Rasayana chikitsa means the essence of all tissues and organs of the entire system of our body is nourished to its most purest and potent form.
Rasayana also means the purification of all tissues from Rasa to Shukra, which means purification starting from the blood covering the entire tissues and organs of our body to the formation of healthiest most potent Male and female sex hormones, sex organs functioning, and products of sex organs like Sperm cell and Ovum.
Rasayana Chikitsa is thought to improve the metabolic process, which results in the best possible Biotransformation, and produce the best quality bodily tissues and organs including Sex Organs, and eradicates Senility and other diseases of Old age.
It also has marked effect on reproductive organs and help in making most potent and healthy sperm and Ovum.
It invigorates the body as a whole by sustaining the required balance between anabolism and catabolism.
It also aims at giving strength to senses, mind and intellect. Hence Rasayana or rejuvenation is such a form of treatment in which all the tissues are nourished and enhanced. The nourishment of vital tissues helps in stopping old age.
Thus it is useful for enhancement of qualities of life, span of life, increased intellect and enhanced physical strength. It also enhances the immunity of an individual leading to health.