Clinic in Palakkad for Female Infertility you can know Symptoms, causes, Test for Female Infertility done in Hospital, Ayurveda Treatments, PCOS, PCOD, Miscarriage, Types of Infertility in Women, Risk Factors Guide on Pregnancy. Doctor Consultation for Infertility in Palakkad and nearby areas. Say NO to IVF in Palakkad when you have effective traditional Ayurveda Treatment to treat Infertility.

Dr Hameed Ibrahim KHOKAR receiving token of appreciation from honourable Chief Minister Sri. Pinarayi Vijayan, for his distinquished services, at a mega event organised by Deshabhimani daily, in Kannur.
Women carry limited number of eggs and with the progressing reproductive years, the eggs lacks in quality and number. This decreases the chances of having baby by 3%-5% after the age of 30. The reduction in fertility is found to extend after the age of 40.
We have Treated Patients in & around Palakkad for Female Infertility
We have patients from below places who have consulted us for treatment
Our approach & treatment protocol for Female Infertility in Palakkad
Drawing from the principles of Ayurveda, specifically Rasa Shastra, Rasayana, and Vajeekarana, Dr. Hameed Ibrahim has developed an innovative treatment known as Cell Detoxification and Regeneration Therapy (CDRT). This therapy effectively addresses issues related to ovulation, including egg size and quality, follicle maturation and rupture, as well as concerns such as tubal blockage, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids, and hormonal imbalances.
The detoxification procedures and medications target specific areas, cleansing and repairing cells to enhance their functionality. Here’s how this unique therapy and medicine operate:
For women experiencing tubal blockages, this therapy and medication aid in eliminating adhesions and obstructions, thereby facilitating a smoother path to pregnancy.
This treatment works by finding and fixing the cell’s hormone receptors when there is an imbalance of hormones. Hormones like FSH, LH, and estrogen are very important for the ovary to work properly because they control ovulation, the maturation of follicles, and when they burst. Cell receptors in the ovaries can pick up on these hormones. Often, this recognition is messed up by too many free radicals, toxins in the food and surroundings, and bad lifestyle choices. This can stop pregnancy from happening. With our unique treatment and medicines, we get rid of toxins, raise the body’s oxygen levels, and fix the way cell receptors recognize things. So, within a few months of this one-of-a-kind treatment, ovulation and follicle release are back to working properly and at the right times.
Our therapy operates on the principle of DHATU NIRMANA KRAMA, which highlights that all cells and tissues within our bodies are formed through the assimilation, absorption, and breakdown of ingested food. The unique processes involved in the creation of each cell in our body are predetermined. This results in the development of robust and healthy cells, ultimately contributing to the proper functioning of organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. For any other cause of infertility in women, the following methods are used to choose the right medicine and treatment. For any other cause of infertility in women, the following methods are used to choose the right medicine and treatment:
How OUR TREATMENT WORKS, Multi-Specialty approach through Ayurveda system of medicine based on the following treatment modalities
Indian Medical Vedic Alchemy is a branch of Ayurveda that deals with purified minerals and metals for specific therapeutic uses. It is a very advanced and specialised area of medicine. Herbal medicines do work, but Ayurveda has something called Rasa Shastra that can help with long-term illnesses. Minerals, metals, active herbs, and clean organic molecules have been mixed together in this alchemical mix.
It has been found that these medicines are 10 to 20 times stronger than plain herbal medicines and can be used instead of surgery for some diseases. People often think that “Ayurvedic medicine works slowly,” but Rasa Shastra says that the medicine works very quickly and strongly. In this way, Ayurvedic herbal and mineral medicines are the same as current allopathic medicines.
Rasayana chikitsa involves nurturing the essence of our tissues and organs to their purest and most potent state. It encompasses the purification of all tissues from Rasa to Shukra, starting with blood, which envelops all tissues and organs, and extending to the production of robust male and female sex hormones, optimal functioning of sex organs, and the creation of reproductive cells like sperm and ovum. Rasayana Chikitsa enhances the metabolic process, thereby promoting optimal biotransformation and the highest quality of body tissues and organs, including those related to reproduction. Additionally, it combats senility and age-related ailments, while significantly impacting reproductive organs, fostering the development of robust sperm and eggs. By maintaining equilibrium between cell regeneration and decomposition, it enhances overall body vitality. Furthermore, it endeavors to fortify the senses, mind, and intellect. Rasayana, known as “rejuvenation,” nourishes and revitalizes all bodily tissues, potentially halting the aging process. Therefore, it serves to enhance life quality, longevity, cognitive abilities, and physical strength.
Vaajikaran Rasayan is a unique form of Rasayana therapy designed to enhance sexual functions and reproductive health. It targets higher brain regions such as the hypothalamus, limbic system, and neuroendocrino-immune system. According to Ayurveda, Vaajikarana Chikitsa holds significant therapeutic value, believed to promote increased sexual activity and support the conception of healthy offspring. Moreover, it is reputed to address various common sexual disorders and infertility issues in both men and women. A blessing for infertile couples and a scientifically proven, effective, and result-oriented alternative to IVF, ICSI, and other modern treatments for infertility. Studies have shown that giving vajikarana rasayana chikitsa corrects the levels of important hormones like FSH, LH, testosterone, prolactin, progesterone, and oestrogens. These hormones play a pivotal role in ensuring the normal function and generation of healthy sperm and ovum, which is a boon for couples facing infertility.
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Uterine Fibroids

Recurrent Miscarriage

Tubal factor

causes a woman to ovulate and might be the reason for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


Ectopic Pregnancy

Ovarian Reserve

Pelvic Inflammatory
exhibits infection of the female reproductive organs transmitted through sexual contact,

Reduced Libido
Psychological issues can include depression, stress, and problems in your relationship.

Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis tends to affect women of childbearing age. Activities such as unprotected sexual intercourse or frequent douching can increase a person's risk.

Women Sex Problem
Many physical and/or medical conditions can cause problems with sexual function.

Yeast Infection
This condition can cause inflammation, intense itchiness and a thick, white discharge from the vagina. Get Ayurveda Treatment

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