Women carry limited number of eggs and with the progressing reproductive years, the eggs lacks in quality and number. This decreases the chances of having baby by 3%-5% after the age of 30. The reduction in fertility is found to extend after the age of 40.
Glimpse of Menstrual disorders & female Fertility
Menstrual disorders and irregular periods disrupt the normal menstrual cycle in women playing a key role in fertility. Irregular periods include oligomenorrhea (an infrequent period), amenorrhea (lacking menstruation) and menorrhagia (heavy periods).
Lacking ovulation or infrequent ovulation causes irregular periods.
Women undergoing irregular periods must seek medical treatment for evaluating the underlying cause, specifically women who experience infertility. Often these are treatable problems.
How does menstruation relate to fertility in Women ?
- Contraceptives and Medications
- Due to stress
- Issues like thyroid
- Weight gain or weight loss drastically
- Have eating disorders
The types of irregular periods causing Infertility
Menstrual irregularities lead to pain and inconvenience causing concerns for many women. These disorders might indicate an underlying condition of infertility or difficulty in getting pregnant. Our doctor can help in determining this.
The abnormal ovulation underlies the cause of irregular periods. Hormones would regulate the ovulation and the menstrual cycle. The menstrual disorders are caused by alterations in the hormone levels, these disorders might disrupt the hormonal balance affecting the menstrual cycle.
Amenorrhea - Cause for Infertility ?
Amenorrhea means the absence of a menstrual period. This leads to a temporary or permanent lack of menstruation. Missing one period is not the cause of concern, and missing a period might be an indication of pregnancy. But when missing more than one period in the absence of pregnancy would be a sign of an underlying disorder that causes infertility.
Amenorrhea is caused due to genetic, structural, or hormonal conditions preventing menstruation from the beginning of puberty known as primary amenorrhea. The conditions that result in primary amenorrhea are Turner syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis, androgen insensitivity, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and PCOS.
It happens after a woman starts to have a condition known as Secondary Amenorrhea. This is often caused by conditions that affect the uterus or organs involved in hormone production of the hypothalamus, ovaries, and pituitary gland.
The causes for secondary amenorrhea are
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- The premature ovarian failure
- The early menopause
- Excessive androgen
Oligomenorrhea happens when a woman undergoes infrequent periods for more than 35 days without any menstruation. The menstrual disorder happens due to a side effect of hormonal birth control. This is caused by diabetes, thyroid problems, eating disorders, excess physical activity in younger women, and increased prolactin in the blood caused by medications.
But oligomenorrhea sometimes indicates the presence of PCOS causing infertility. When oligomenorrhea left untreated would increase the woman’s risk of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. It is best to seek medical evaluation when you go 35 days without a period.
Menorrhagia means prolonged bleeding of periods. This is marked by the loss of blood and cramping so women cannot do their normal activities.
Women must seek medical care when their bleeding soaks more than one tampon per hour.
Several causes of menorrhagia impairs a woman’s fertility
- The Polyps in the uterine lining
- Imbalances of hormones
- Dysfunction of ovaries
- The uterine fibroids
- Adenomyosis
- Uterine or Cervical cancer
Medications include
- Complications in Pregnancy
- Side effects from a non-hormonal IUD (intrauterine device)
- Disorders in bleeding