Why do Patients with Heart Disease suffer from Erectile Dysfunction?

Originally posted 2023-08-30 09:08:53.

Yes, there is a strong connection between impotence and heart disease. Even though the two conditions seem unrelated, they share some risk factors, reasons, and ways to avoid them.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is the failure to get and keep an erection that is strong enough for sexual activity. No age is thought to be average for the condition. Erectile dysfunction is not the same as early ejaculation, infertility, or low sex drive. However, one or more of these disorders may be linked to it.

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What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is a group of conditions that affect the heart, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), heart arrhythmias, heart failure, heart valve disease, pericardial disease, heart muscle disease, and fetal heart disease.

Most people with heart problems have something called coronary artery disease. CAD happens when the coronary arteries, which carry oxygenated blood to the heart, get blocked or damaged and can’t bring enough blood to the heart. Plaque buildup in the arteries is often the cause of this disease, which can lead to severe chest pain or a heart attack.

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What is the Connection between ED and Heart Disease?

Because erections need healthy blood flow to the penis, a man may have ED if his body’s blood circulation system isn’t working well. Problems with blood flow can also lead to heart disease, so ED can be an early sign of heart disease that you already have or will get in the future. Since ED can be a sign of CAD early on, guys with ED might benefit from being tested for CAD. But ED isn’t always a sign of future heart problems because it can also be caused by damage to the penis or by psychological or relationship issues.

In the past, doctors thought that both ED and heart disease were caused by a buildup of plaque in the arteries. Now, medical experts have found that the two conditions are more likely linked to endothelial dysfunction, a condition in which the inner lining of the blood vessels (the endothelium) tightens and can’t open up enough to let blood flow easily.

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How much Cholesterol is too much?

A healthy level of cholesterol depends on many things, such as:

  • the amount of good (HDL) cholesterol you have compared to the amount of bad (LDL) cholesterol you have
  • the sum of your cholesterol
  • how many things put you at risk for heart disease; • how old you are and how active you are; How your health is right now

If you have too much LDL cholesterol in your blood, it builds up in your arteries, which are the blood tubes that carry blood to your heart and brain. When these deposits get together with other things, they can form plaque. Plaque is a thick, hard deposit in the blood stream that can cause atherosclerosis. Plaque can block the flow of blood to the heart muscle and the penis by making the artery narrower.

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How can I lower my Cholesterol?

Here are some things you can do to lower your cholesterol:

  • Eat less hot and fatty food. Choose foods that are low in fat or have no fat if they are available.
  • Choose neutral fats when you eat fat. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature; veggie oils, for example. Avoid palm and coconut oil, as well as any fat that is solid at room temperature.
  • Choose fish and chicken over red meat more often.
  • Limit the amount of meat, fish, chicken, and low-fat cheese you eat each day to 7 ounces or less.
  • Exercise.
  • If you smoke, quit.
  • Get rid of the extra weight.
  • Eat more soluble fiber. Fruits, beans, peas, and oats are all good sources.
  • Don’t eat more than three egg whites per week. (Egg whites don’t have any fat.)

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What are the common risk factors for ED and Heart Disease?

ED and heart disease share a number of risk factors, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Poor eating
  • not moving enough
  • Obesity
  • Blood pressure that’s too
  • A lot of fat
  • Low amounts of testosterone
  • Ages are getting older.

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If your doctor thinks you might be at risk for heart disease, you might want to change some things about the way you live. Any change in lifestyle that is good for the heart is also good for the penis. Increase the amount of physical exercise you do, keep a healthy weight, stop smoking, and don’t drink too much alcohol, if at all. If you have heart disease and have more dangerous signs and symptoms, you may need more tests or treatment.

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If you have both heart problems and trouble getting an erection, talk to your doctor about possible treatments. Many of the medicines used to treat erectile dysfunction are not safe to use if you take certain heart medicines, especially nitrates.

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