What Causes Congenital Birth Defects?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:48:48.

When a woman conceives by natural means, nature takes care to select the best chromosomes for fertilisation, thereby avoiding congenital birth disorders in the newborns. When a woman opts to conceive through IVF or the ART methods, she is administered hormonal injections which promote the growth of more than one egg. This heavy production may sometimes cause chromosomal defects in the eggs which may be fertilised through artificial means causing the birth defects in the infants.

Ayurveda provides hope to the couples who have been suggested ART methods as the only option for conception. The Vajeekarana chikitsa helps rejuvenate the reproductive organs and hence overcome infertility due to a malfunctioning reproductive organ.

The various methods of preparing medicines namely the Rasayana, Rasa and Vajeekarana Shastra help one treat Vandhya(infertility) in women. The Bela suggests that infertility or Vandhya is caused due to vitiated Vata. Hence, the methods of Ayurveda aim to revitalize the organs by balancing the vitiated Vata, Pitta or the Kapha, as per the case. This requires exhaustive methods of diagnosis to identify the vitiated body Dosha.

Khokar clinic advises the use of potential Vajeekarana chikitsa to regulate and optimise the functioning of the reproductive organs. This helps avoid all kinds of congenital disorders because a healthy reproductive organ does not produce a defective sperm/egg. Miscarriage is the nature’s course to reject the defective fetus. Hence, repetitive abortions are a sign of a malfunctioning reproductive organ and not a sign of infertility. Vajeekarana therapy has answers for all reproductive organ malfunctions and problems that arise due to it.

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