What are the Symptoms of Chlamydia & Treatment for Chlamydia ?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:02:53.

Symptoms of Chlamydia : Generally, Chlamydia does not come with any symptoms. But testing will be necessary, if signs are noticed.

No symptoms

Chlamydia is termed to be sneaky and hence, the person affected with it will not show any symptoms that can be felt or noticed. At times, its signs can be mild, such that the symptoms are often taken for something else. It is a common infection and hence, people do not even realize of their being infected with it.
Chlamydia might lead to causing infertility and serious infections if left untreated. Proper and timely medication when given can easily cure this ailment. Hence, regular STD testing will be necessary, irrespective of how healthy the person is.

Signs Chlamydia

Chlamydia symptoms might take few weeks for it to show up clearly. The symptoms can be found in both women and mean including:

  1. Pain while having sex
  2. Burning or pain when peeing
  3. Lower belly pain
  4. Abnormal vaginal discharge (yellowish and having strong smell)
  5. Pain, bleeding or discharge around anus
  6. Tender or swollen testicles
  7. Watery/milky or pus discharge from penis
  8. Bleeding between periods

In case, the eyes are affected with this issue, then the symptoms can be itching, discharge or redness. At times, infections in throat may cause soreness, which is in rare cases. If any of the partners displays such symptoms, then it will be crucial to visit the health practitioner to get proper and immediate treatment. Pregnant ladies should get checked for such symptoms.

Treatment for Chlamydia

You will get effective Ayurveda treatment for Chlamydia at Khokar Clinic, Get free online consultation Today

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