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Weak Erection – Know its Causes & Symptoms

Weak Erection – Know its causes & Symptoms

Originally posted 2021-09-29 03:12:13.

An increasing number of middle aged men are found to experience weakness in erection especially when having sexual intercourse. According to medical experts, it might take place if blood flow from aorta and heart is not received by two small arteries. Erection weakness is also termed to be the blood vessel lining being too weak to enter penis region.

What is weak erection?

It is considered to be the inability to maintain strong ejection when love making. It is the body’s sensitive part which needs to be in very good condition to retain erection like nerves pulses within the brain, fibrous tissue muscles, spinal column surrounding the penis and veins close to corpora. Only then full erection is possible by the penis. If any of the above activities get disturbed, then weak erection takes place.


Blood flow disruption to penis vein is considered to be one of the major reasons for weak erection during sexual intercourse. Other reasons are also cited for this issue like suffering from diabetes problem for prolonged time period damaging nerve system, prostate cancer operations, cardiovascular disorder, multiple sclerosis, side effects due to prolong usage of hard drugs, drug abuse, alcohol intake, hormonal disorders, emotional problems like fear of guilt, anxiety, depression and low self esteem. As the man ages, he does suffer from weak erection.

Who tends to suffer from Erection weakness?

  • People experiencing surgery damage in veins surrounding the penis region or from mental trauma.
  • People taking alcohol or drugs.
  • People who are obese and overweight.
  • People who are heavy smokers and suffer from serious disorders like high blood pressure, etc.
  • People living in anxiety, stress and depression.


During sexual intercourse, most men are found to take stimulants to avail direct actions, even when do not experience any such symptoms of erection weakness. Practicing this for a very long time only causes weak erection. Some people may experience signs related to weakness of organism or erection. It may take much longer time to derive erection when making love, even after applying stimulation drugs, which is stated to increase ejaculation volume after application, then it becomes important to consult a good specialist without any further delay.

How weak erections can be cured naturally?

Changes made in lifestyle will help reverse weak erections. It should include performing exercises, sleeping at least for 8 hours daily, having balanced food rich in green vegetables, lean meat, fish, eggs, etc. It should also involve losing weight, stopping smoking and alcohol consumption, undergoing medical examinations, attending group discussions, medical and physical seminars, etc.

Ayurveda Treatment for Premature Ejaculation, Ayurveda Treatment for Penile Enhancement

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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