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Ways to Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy

Ways To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy

Originally posted 2022-02-02 06:29:21.

It’s a wonderful experience to start a family on your own. The time you plan with your partner, a sense of excitement comes to you.

But in today’s scenario, a lot of us struggle with poor health habits and lifestyle diseases. This has an adverse effect on the growing fetus and puts you at higher risk of health conditions.

The mother must take care of her habits, while the father must be mindful of his lifestyle choices if planning to have a baby. Only a healthy mind and body produce healthy sperms.

Consult the doctor if you plan on starting a family. Your doctor can tell your recent health conditions. They’ll check your family history to know underlying health problems of your family, that can be passed onto your children.

You would be referred for a genetic counselor too. Long-term health issues like diabetes or asthma, must be stable before you get pregnant.

Stop alcohol consumption and smoking as it can harm the growing fetus. Even a little bit of alcohol consumption in pregnancy harm’s the long term problems for your baby.

Alcohol in pregnancy is strictly prohibited for women. This negates the alcohol effect from your body from the start of the time you plan to conceive.

Likewise, smoking causes several issues for babies in gestation. Ensure you and your partner kick these habits before you conceive.

Incorporate Nutrition Rich Diet

You must have a balanced diet in pregnancy. Increase the protein consumption like wholesome foods.

Fiber rich foods like fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. Limit the intake of sugar as well.

But relish a treat once a while. Lessen the intake of caffeine, artificial sweeteners, oily foods and fast foods.

Consume Vitamins And Folic Acids

Folic acid decreases the risk of birth defects particularly the baby’s spine. Start taking folic acid supplements if you plan to conceive.

Vitamins are most needed for the growth of your baby. Consult your doctor to know about the vitamins requirements. Ignore high doses of vitamins.

Regular Exercise

Exercising right before you get pregnant will make your baby deal with all the changes that happen in pregnancy and labor.

Regular exercise prepares your body with hormonal changes and makes you healthy. You don’t have to do vigorous exercise, but ensure to keep it consistent.

Ayurveda Detoxification

As per Ayurveda, Panchakarma treatment is beneficial before conception. It includes:

  • Virechana karma (purgation)
  • Vamana karma (emesis)
  • Basthi (enema)
  • Raktamoshanam and Nasyam (bloodletting)

These karmas can purify your body before getting pregnant. Swedana and Abhyanga are the methods to remove toxins out of the body. And Swedana can remove the accumulated toxins.

Ayurveda Approach for Female Fertility

Advanced Ayurveda Cell Detoxification and Regeneration treatment developed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar from the specialty branch of Ayurveda called as Rasayana, and Vajeekarana, can increase the Fertility levels by stimulating the follicle growth and improving the Ovulation so that each and every month there is a mature egg available for conception thereafter increasing the chances of pregnancy drastically,

Ayurveda treatment can also correct pcos and  genetic defects in the matured egg and it can help older women to make better quality of eggs

So, believe in the 5000+ years old system of medication called AYURVEDA which can help you overcome all your fertility issues

Consult our specialist DR today,

Tags: Ayurveda Treatment for Uerine FibroidsAyurveda Treatment for Recurrent MiscarriageAyurveda Treatment for Tubal FactorAyurveda Treatment for AnovulationAyurveda Treatment for EndometriosisAyurveda Treatment for Ectopic PregnancyAyurveda Treatment for Ovarian ReserveAyurveda Treatment for Pelvic InflammatoryAyurveda Treatment for Infertility, Ayurveda Treatment for Female Infertility

Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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