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Uterine Fibroids and the Ayurvedic Approach

Uterine Fibroids and the Ayurvedic Approach

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:13:44.

The uterine fibroids are noncancerous and non-malignant growth observed in the uterus. The growth of the fibroids or the ‘Granthis’ does not cause any complication when the size of the fibroids is small. When the growth is sustained to a size which results in pressurizing the adjacent organs, it results in excess uterine bleeding, painful abdomen, backache or many different complications. During the childbearing age of a woman, fibroids are a common concern. Such swelling in localized regions in the uterus is termed Granthi in the Ayurveda. The treatment for handling the fibroids in the uterus is based on the principle of Samprapti Vighatana.

The Ayurveda maintains that the Kapha Dosha is responsible for the growth of Granthi, while the Vata Dosha is the governing factor for the maintenance of the uterus. Hence, the treatment which balances the vitiated Vata and Kapha help in treating the uterine fibroids. The principle of Samprapti Vighatana suggests the use of blood purifier (Raktashodaka), fibroid dissolving (Lekhana) medications like the Haridra Khand, Kanchanara Guggulu, etc., for treating the uterine fibroids. The ancient texts of the Ayurveda addressed all known conditions of the modern woman and suggested remedies accordingly.

At Khokar the cell detoxification treatment takes care of the blood purifying before commencing the fibroid dissolving treatment. The detoxification treatment takes care of the Srotodushti, Atipravritti and the Agnimandhya conditions which are a common concern in cases of the uterine fibroids. The Dhatu Nirmana Krama applied by the cell regeneration therapy works to assimilate the nutrients so that the efficiency of the uterus is maximised after the fibroids are dissolved successfully. The medicines may have to be taken for one or more cycles to regularise the menstruation cycle and dissolve the fibroids completely.

Also, by ushering few changes in lifestyle and following restrictions in diet help you wade out of the difficulty faster.

  • Begin your stint with the Yoga asanas. The Suryanamaskara poses done early in the morning help to tone your body and optimise the functioning of your organs.

  • Eat healthily and be in tune with your biological clock for sleeping and eating.

  • Do not skip meals or binge on junk and oily food. Oily foods vitiate the Kapha which encourages the growth of the granthi or the fibroids.

  • To manage the pain in the lower abdomen, apply warm castor oil to the abdomen. You may also use warm water packs to relieve the pain.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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