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Treating Genital Herpes with Ayurveda

Treating Genital Herpes with Ayurveda

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:46:40.

Pitta & blood impurities are considered to be the major reasons for appearance of pathology. There are stated to be different factors like wrong eating habits, poor digestion, consuming plenty of bitter or spicy food, etc. is likely to affect negatively digestive juice secretion habits, thereby causing improper food digestion. This in turn generates Ama, thereby causing impurities in blood, which again leads to development of lesions in the skin.

Balancing the dosha is the very first step to be taken towards providing treatment. It can be achieved by including certain herbs and dietary supplements combined with dietary changes to balance properly the vitiated doshas associated with the disease. Herbal preparations help purify the lymph, blood and the skin as it metabolizes the AMA toxins which have gathered in the lymph and blood because of imbalance doshas. Lymph and blood gets detoxified with the help of herbal preparations, while vitiated doshas and toxins get eliminated from the lymph and blood. Once the lymph and blood are purified, the underlying tissues and the skin also are rejuvenated. This in turn reduces tingling, burning sensation and inflammation.

Rejuvenating the body and boosting body immunity

Disease, according to Ayurveda is said to not just affect any specific organ, but also the entire body. An opportunistic virus is Herpes, which holds back only to surface if you run down or if you suffer from weak immune system.

By keeping healthy your immune system, future outbreaks can be controlled significantly. Therefore, once the body doshas are balanced, the body is rejuvenated. Rasayanas are used for rejuvenation purpose to boost the body immunity, to help combat any recurrent disease attacks. To rejuvenate the body, there are prepared several Ayurvedic preparations like Chyavanprash.

Get Ayurveda Treatment for Genital Herpes From Khokar Clinic

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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