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Tips to prevent masturbation addiction

Tips to prevent masturbation addiction

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:24:57.

In almost every culture in and in each and every historical period, there has been practiced masturbation. Adolescents find it an exciting way to move on to the adult sexual relationships. Masturbation undoubtedly is a natural and healthy way for human sexuality to develop. But, if the urge to masturbate is not controlled or if practicing it frequently interferes with social life, work or school, then probably it is gaining control.

Determine when to get assistance: Masturbation definitely is healthy and natural behavior. Even after frequent masturbation, chances are there of not getting an addiction. But if masturbation is preventing participation at work or in school or if you are not in a position to control your urges or thoughts, then it is high time to seek assistance. With a good number of people facing similar problems, there is no need to feel ashamed. It is indeed a brave action to seek help and majority is likely to view it this way.

Consult the medical professional: Psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors are well trained to provide assistance to people with varying addiction levels. Find a therapist within your locality to evaluate your addiction. If required, he/she should refer to you a specialist for seeking advanced attention.

Discuss with the therapists about how your life is affected by masturbation: Masturbation is practiced by many to distract themselves from emotions, feelings and problems that they may face. When discussing masturbation issues with your therapist and the type of impact it has on your life, do be open

  • But to be fully comfortable with the therapist, it might probably take several sessions, which is quite natural. Do take adequate time, you feel like.
  • After or before masturbation, if you feel angry, sad or empty, share such crucial details with the therapist as it can help to determine source of feelings.

Discuss about the possible treatment options: Some consider masturbation addiction as sex addiction form. Combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and medication can be prescribed by your therapist to overcome the issue.

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