Tips to maintain healthy skin during monsoons

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:22:02.

With monsoons almost knocking on the door, it is high time for men and women of all ages to take care of their skin to ensure that the changing weather and season does not cause any irritation or problems. With some tips, the skin can survive the rainy season’s adverse affects and to stay healthy and glowing all the time.

Oily skin remedies for the monsoon

For oily skin, there can be prepared two types of face packs at the home, namely:

Fuller’s Earth, Sandalwood power is to be combined with small basil leaves to prepare a paste using rosewater. It is to be applied on the face. Once dried, wash the face with lukewarm water.

Blend Fuller’s Earth with rose water to prepare thick paste and mix camphor powder. This mixture is to be applied on the face at different times. The skin will become less acne prone and oily.

For dry skin

Dry skinned people are likely to have some stress during the monsoon season. The face pack can be used to keep the skin healthy.

Accumulate glass of rainwater, add 1 tsp honey into it, stir and then apply the mixture upon on skin. Allow it to settle down in-depth and then wash face with cold water after 30 minutes.

Take care of acne scar or acne

The monsoon season can be a tough time for those suffering from acne problems. Skin problems arise because of excess humidity and temperature. Consulting a good skin specialist can help avail the best skin treatments.

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