Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:25:55.
When contracting STD (sexually transmitted diseases), majority of the adolescents are simply unaware about this fact, including their own life and bodies in general. A major problem identified is that humans simply do not depend upon instincts only. Rather, we rely upon learning, which takes several years.
During early teen years, the body tends to outpace the brain. Their desires are presented in an intensified manner and at times even more, when compared to adults. It can pose to be a great problem especially for parents. Few simply do not desire their children to grow in age! The very thought of such problems arising during teenage years frighten us up and hence, the thought of our children remaining innocent and small.
In case, you are in such a situation, then you need to understand how the body and brain of your child develops during this crucial phase. On gaining better insight to this, it becomes much easier to manage the inevitable conversation with regards to STIs (STDs) with great confidence.
Few practical tips which you can follow:
- Provide them with the facts as it can be sobering.
- Avoid becoming emotional or try to preach. Emotions can create resistance by developing hindrance.
- Use step by step approach to explain their body mechanism.
- Avoid discussing in code. Like in school talk about biology. Use appropriate names for body parts.
- It does work! So avoid being scared or you end up scaring them.
- On completing your little discussion, research on the web to come up with images on sexually transmitted diseases. Gross images are better understood by teens than lengthy medical advice.
The above steps have worked for many. You can use your own words to explain few of the information given below as it is helps.
Puberty brings in physical changes in the body enabling the male to fertilize the female egg. On the other hand, the female on puberty is in a position to conceive and give birth to a baby. Although, the body might be capable of such functions physically, there is a need for proper development of emotions. During adolescent stage, which is from puberty to that of 19 or 20 years of age, emotional and physical developments link to move towards the person getting mature and have better understanding.
Adolescents are likely to develop casual relationship, where they may be eager to experiment with sex. At the same time, they also understand how to become a responsible adult and learn moral values. There are many adolescents who look forwards to having a partner to develop permanent relationship, so as to have a family and home. But unrestricted sexual encounters may prove to be disastrous, which may cause unwanted pregnancies, emotional damage or sexually transmitted diseases.