Things To Do After Sex

Maybe all you want to do after a night of desire is cuddle up with your partner. But you should do a few important things after having sex. Here are some of the best tips for keeping both your sexual life and your health in good shape.

The risks of getting an infection are much lower if you do the things on this list after having sex:

Empty Your bladder

Bacteria can get into your urethra, which is the tube that moves urine out of your body, when you have sex. That can make you more likely to get sick. When you urinate, you get rid of those germs. So cuddle up with your partner for a while, and then go to the bathroom. If you’re a woman, wipe from front to back when you wipe to stop germs from spreading.

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Drink a Glass of water

Since you should go to the bathroom after rolling in the hay, don’t forget to drink water. Staying hydrated will make you pee more, which will wash out more germs before they can cause infections.

Wash Up

Don’t call it a night without cleaning up. You don’t have to do it right after having sex. By gently cleaning the area around the genitalia, you and your partner can avoid different kinds of illnesses.

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Don’t Douche

Some women think they need to use water or prepared fluids to clean their vaginas after having sex. But douching can make you more likely to get sick. This is because it upsets the normal balance of bacteria that protects your vagina. The best thing you can do for your vagina after sex is to leave it alone, because it will clean itself. Also, remember that a mild smell is normal and may not mean anything is wrong.

Wear loose-fitting clothing

Bacteria and yeast like to grow in places that are hot and damp. So, wear clothes and underwear that let air in. Cotton underwear is good for both men and women because it lets air in and soaks up sweat. Or don’t wear any underwear to bed at all.

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Pregnant? Take Extra care

Most of the time, having sexual activity while pregnant is safe, but you are more likely to get infections like UTIs. So it’s even more important to do the basics after sex: go to the bathroom, wash your vaginal area, and drink water. Help your partner do the same thing.

Keep The Right Tools On hand

If the mess bothers you or keeps you from cuddling after making love, there are ways to get around it.

Keep these things in your bedroom to make sex easy and fun.

Towels: Put them on the bed (or whatever surface you’re having sex on) to protect it from sweat and other body fluids.

Baby wipes that don’t have a smell are a great way to clean up after sex and get rid of any body fluids.

Mattress protectors: If you are worried about sweat or other body fluids getting into your mattress through the sheets, a mattress cover can act as a barrier.

deodorant or body spray. If you’re worried about sweat, having deodorant or body spray on hand can help get rid of any smell after you’ve been intimate. But don’t put it on your private parts.

Most importantly, don’t forget to have a glass of water close by. Even though you don’t have to clean up after sex, all the sweat and fluid loss can make you thirsty! And for people who like to snuggle right away, it means they don’t have to get out of bed.

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Even though the list of things to do after sex might seem a little long, it’s a good idea to get in the habit of doing them. Remember that it’s all for your long-term health and the health of your partner.

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