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The Symptoms and Treatment of Genital Herpes

The symptoms and Treatment of Genital Herpes

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:20:57.

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection causing ulcers and blisters. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus that is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact.

Herpes affects several areas of the body but it is commonly found on the anus, genitals and mouth. Blisters heal with time, the virus that causes blisters cannot be cured. The herpes outbreaks often re-occurs.

Herpes is infectious when you have blisters, the virus would pass even when someone has no symptoms.

Herpes can be passed through skin-to-skin contact, anal, vaginal or oral sex without a dental dam or a condom. It means the virus is passed when you have orgasm, penetrative sex or ejaculate.

Herpes is passed on sharing sex toys that are not washed. When you have genital herpes in pregnancy you can pass the virus onto your unborn baby. Talk with your healthcare provider, if you are pregnant and worried that you may have herpes.

When you or your partner have a herpes outbreak, you have to wait until the symptoms have cleared up before having sex. Using a new female or male condom or a dental dam every time you have anal, vaginal or oral sex reduces the risk of herpes being passed on.

Avoid sharing sex toys or ensure they are washed and covered with a new condom in each use. You can use new latex gloves or the dental dam for fingering or rimming or could use latex gloves for fisting, when you get herpes on your hands.

You have to talk about your sexual health with your partner and let them know if you have any infections. This helps for safer sex together. Reduce the number of sexual partners to reduce the risk of getting sexually transmitted infections like genital herpes. When you have sex with multiple partners, it’s important to use condoms and have regular STI checks.

Condoms serve as the best form of protection against pregnancy and STI. Contraceptives like contraceptive pills will not prevent herpes.

The common symptoms of herpes are small blisters with open and red sores. You get herpes blisters on the vagina, anus, penis, buttocks, throat on the top of your thighs and around your mouth.


  • Pain in urination.
  • Feeling unwell with pains, aches and flu-like symptoms.
  • Burning or tingling around the genitals.
  • Unusual vaginal discharge in women.

People with genital herpes don’t get any symptoms. They might get symptoms for the first time or even years after infection. Blisters would go away within one to two weeks. The outbreak clears up and the virus stays in the body. It means people would get blisters again known as the ‘recurrent outbreak’. Outbreaks are shorter and less severe over time.

Different tests are available for genital herpes. When you have symptoms, the common test is to take a swab from a blister. The fluid is tested for herpes simplex virus. They also offer blood tests to check antibodies to the virus. When you have genital herpes you should be tested for other STIs as well.

It is advisable to tell your recent partner so they can be tested and treated. People having genital herpes don’t get noticed wrong. So tell your partner about it and stop the virus from getting passed on.

Tags: Ayurveda Treatment for Genital Herpes, Ayurveda Treatment for Peyronies Disease, Ayurveda Treatment For Genital Herpes in Nagarbhavi

Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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