The Khokar Approach to Treating Infertility in Women
Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:44:56.
Infertility in women may be a result of the irregular functioning of any of the reproductive organs. The female reproductive organs must work together in conjunction and time the egg release according to the biological clock to produce a healthy egg. If any of the organs delays the schedule the ovulation and egg release is delayed. Delayed or irregular menstruation is a sign of a malfunctioning reproductive Organ.
The modern diagnosis methods do not probe for the root cause but test for certain possibilities which may often give rise to a host of other malfunctions in the reproductive organs. For example, a simple cervical incompetence or hostile environment in the cervix due to imbalanced pH may also become a deterrent to the conception process. Also, cervical incompetence may cause premature abortions which cannot be probed unless the pregnancy advances. The Ayurveda treats every condition of infertility with a simple principle of restoring the balance in the body Doshas.
Before the actual medicinal herbs are administered it is important that the receptivity of the organs is enhanced. This is possible only through a cell detoxification process. The detoxification methods initiate the balance restoring process by expelling the toxic accumulation in each and every cell of the body. This kind of detoxification helps reap maximum benefits from the Dhatu Nirmana Krama or the Vajeekarana therapy suggested according to your body type. You will also be advised to include healthy foods which balance the vitiated Vata and Kapha. Also following an exercise routine will help you overcome everyday stress and anxiety.
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