Originally posted 2021-09-29 07:10:57.
The IVF or the ART techniques are advertised to give 100% results, but when a couple enters a clinic, they are given a detailed description of chances of conception using the said process. With each wasted cycle the couple is reassured with false hopes and suggested more vigorous remedies. All the assisted reproductive techniques require women to take high doses of hormonal injections or diabetic medications to overcome the insulin resistance developed in cases of PCOS. These medications have severe forms of side effects on women. In contrast, the Ayurvedic remedies are safer and aim to bring about a balance in the body.
Case studies published in the International Journal of Ayurveda and Alternative Medicine prove that the Yogabasti is the best line of treatment for female infertility triggered due to PCOS. In men, unless the infertility is a genetically caused condition, herbs and aphrodisiacs help rejuvenate and revitalise the reproductive organs and hence can cure oligospermia. The line of treatment for men and women may vary, but the pre-treatment toxic elimination remains the same.
Panchakarma is usually a pre-treatment procedure which enhances the reception capacity of the reproductive organs to various herbal medications. In some cases, this pre-treatment process has worked wonders and shown positive results.
It is observed that about 25 to 30% of the infertility cases have normal values of hormones, semen or ovulation tests. While the clinics are nonplussed about the cases which have unexplained infertility, Ayurveda has been able to provide a sustainable solution to the problem.
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