Sexual Dysfunction In Males

Originally posted 2022-05-20 10:38:28.

Sexual dysfunction is the psychological or physical problem which prevents your partner or yourself from getting sexual satisfaction.

The common health problem in men is the male sexual dysfunction, which is common with the increasing age. Treatment will help men having sexual dysfunction.

Common problems of sexual dysfunction that men face are keeping an erection, trouble with ejaculation, and reduced sexual desire.

Erectile Dysfunction

The inability to maintain an erection during a sexual intercourse is known to be Erectile Dysfunction. Studies show that erectile dysfunction is common in American men above the age of 40.

Reduced Sexual Desire/ Low Libido

The interest or desire for sex gets decreased in low libido. This condition is linked with low levels of testosterone. Testosterone maintains sperm production, sex drive, hair, muscle and bone. Low testosterone will affect your mood and body.

Reduced sexual desire can be caused by anxiety, depression or relationship difficulties. High blood pressure, diabetes and medications such as antidepressants can lead to low libido.

Doctor can ask questions about your sexual and medical history. You have to answer honestly so the appropriate treatment can be recommended. You’re sent to a different doctor like endocrinologist, urologist or sex therapist to help you.

Premature Ejaculation

In premature ejaculation, you’ve trouble controlling an orgasm, and you ejaculate while your partner feels it’s fast. PE is very common in males. Men usually ejaculate prematurely at some point of their lives.

PE is considered if you ejaculate as soon as your penis enters your partner. It also means some men ejaculate during a foreplay, or while they insert their penis during a sex. When PE happens occasionally, there is not a worry. But if it’s regular, then it’s an issue.

How Common Is PE ?

PE is the common sexual problem affecting men. This is more common in younger people, as the ejaculation takes longer when men get older, but PE can happen at any age.

Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

PE is a lifelong problem starting the first time a man having sex. It is due to a chemical imbalance of the brain causing a lower threshold of ejaculation, or caused by psychological factors like anxiety.

Acquired PE can develop after the normal ejaculation. It’s because of other problems like generalised anxiety, performance anxiety, relationship problems, and erectile dysfunction. Recreational drugs and alcohol can make the PE worse.

Men having physical problems are tied with PE, like high blood pressure or impotence. Few medicines can make it worse too.

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Male Orgasm Disorder

If a men has a sexual problem based on orgasm, they suffer from an Orgasm disorder. PE is the common sexual problem of orgasm.

If a man ejaculates immediately or before they enter, it is associated with Premature ejaculation.

Causes And Reasons

Early ejaculation can be due to the desperation between partners or if the men is anxious about his sexual performance leading to the premature ejaculation. The real cause of PE needs to get diagnosed before the treatment.

Ejaculation Disorder: Sexual Problems In Men

If a man has no control over his ejaculation, he would be suffering from some sexual problems like that syndrome or a nightfall problem. In this case, men ejaculate in urination or have wet dreams. In women, it is known as vaginismus, when women experience involuntary constriction on the outer third of vagina that prevents the penile insertion. It is due to the fear of impregnation, or due to psychological factors.

Nightfall Problem

Nightfall problem is the psychological problem other than a sexual problem. If a man ejaculates in his sleep, without his awareness, he is said to be having nightfall problems. Nightfall problems are known as nocturnal emissions or wet dreams. The cause can be excess exposure to the sexual content and less sexual activity in that period. Women also have wet dreams. Nocturnal emission is seen in youngsters and it fades with age. Therapies, medication, and home remedies can treat the nightfall problem.

Sexual dysfunction is due to psychologic or physical factors. Most of the problem is the combination of psychological and physical factors. The physical problem can lead to psychological problems like depression, stress, and anxiety, which aggravates the physical problem. Men can feel pressured by his partner or pressures himself to perform well sexually and gets distressed when he couldn’t. Performance anxiety is troublesome and can worsen the men’s ability to enjoy the sex.

Erection Problems

Erection problems happen if a man cannot maintain an erection during the intercourse. You might even lose the erection while having an intercourse. Erection problems may not affect your sex drive.

Erection problems are very common. Most adult men have trouble maintaining an erection. The problem usually goes with less treatments. But for a few male, it can be an ongoing problem. This is known as Erectile Dysfunction.

Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation means having a biological or a psychological cause. These can overlap between themselves. It is the lifelong condition, when a man always had difficulties in reaching an orgasm, commonly the delayed ejaculation happens after the period of a normal function.

The treatment of delayed ejaculation is based on the underlying cause, it includes changing the medications you take, addressing illegal or alcohol use, or undergoing psychological counseling. Psychotherapy addresses the underlying problems of mental health that causes delayed ejaculation like anxiety or depression. It can even address psychological issues that affect your ejaculation ability.

What is Delayed Ejaculation?

Opposite to rapid or premature ejaculation is known as Delayed Ejaculation. The inability of a man to achieve climax within some time is known as Delayed Ejaculation. In rapid ejaculation, the time varies and is different for the partner. As per female’s perspective, if a woman has achieved climax before her partner, her vaginal lubrication runs out and sex may be uncomfortable without the relubrication. A few men won’t be able to achieve ejaculation by vaginal penetration and rely on alternate sexual acts to climax. Some lose their erection before achieving climax and become frustrated. Few reach the point of orgasm and couldn’t finish, making it uncomfortable.

Causes Of Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is a hormonal, psychological, or neurological event. If a man has damaged nerves in his spinal cord, or pelvis, he may be unable to ejaculate. He could lack the nerve connection from ejaculation nerves from the tip of his penis to spinal cord. He may experience the hormonal imbalance in prolactin, serotonin, or testosterone. Men who take antidepressants have their serotonin levels skewed by pills, and often suffer from loss or delayed ejaculation. Men having low testosterone have difficulties in ejaculating.

Treatment For Delayed Ejaculation

The treatment for delayed ejaculation is based on its cause. Men with nerve injuries respond to medical vibrators that are placed on the tip of the penis to retrain nerves to fire rapidly. Few couples incorporate vibrators into sexual activity to stimulate a man to climax at intercourse.

Men with hormone imbalances have to run laboratory tests particularly prolactin and testosterone levels if there’s an imbalance. Testosterone therapy elevates the blood flow towards the penis, making the nerves sensitive. Men having the high prolactin levels have the non-cancerous tumor at the pituitary gland churning the prolactin and blocking the ejaculation.

Treatment with suitable surgery or medicine reduces the prolactin levels helping the man to climax easier.

Types Of Sexual Dysfunction In Women

The sexual dysfunction in women can take many forms and have several causes. This can happen before, after or during the sex. Sexual dysfunction affects in 30% to 40% of women. The lack of desire is a common complaint. Sexual problems can increase the women’s age. It can also affect women of any stage of life. The sexual dysfunction can be chronic or temporary.

Some problems can refrain the women from enjoying sex. These are:

  • Unable to arouse
  • Lacking sexual desire
  • Lacking sexual climax
  • Lack of orgasm
  • Painful intercourse

These types of problems can be psychological or physical. The physical causes like heart disease, diabetes, hormone problems, and nerve disorders can be present. Few drugs affect the functions and desires. There are also psychological causes such as anxiety and work related stress. It includes relationship problems, concerns in marriage, and depression. In some women, the problem arises from past sexual trauma.

Recurrent or persistent problems with sexual desire, response, pain or orgasm, can distress and strain the relationship with your partner, which is known as sexual dysfunction. Most of the women face problems in sexual function and few have difficulties all through their life. Sexual dysfunction in women can happen in any stage of life. It happens in some sexual situations or at all sexual situations. Sexual response has the complex interplay of emotions, physiology, beliefs, experiences, relationships and lifestyle. Disruption in any component affects the sexual arousal, desire and treatment that has more than one approach.

The most common problem in women is sexual dysfunction. Almost half the women have problems in sex, exhibit less sex drive, pain in intercourse or trouble in orgasm.

Sexual satisfaction involves your mind, body, feelings and beliefs towards your partner. Here are few causes for problems in sex life.

Sexual Dysfunction

This is the common concern shared by most women. Problems arises at any phase of sexual response cycle like plateau, excitement, resolution, and orgasm, preventing the women from enjoying the sexual satisfaction. Women are embarrassed or reluctant to discuss about their sex, but you need to inform your doctor what you experience, so that your sexual dysfunction can be treated. Female sexual dysfunction can cause problems like arousal, hormones, desire, pain or orgasm.

Causes Of Female Sexual Problems

Psychological or physical causes can cause female sexual dysfunction. Physical causes like heart disease, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, neurological diseases, chronic diseases, menopause, drug abuse, alcoholism, and antidepressant drugs are some of the factors. Hormonal fluctuations can happen during the childbirth, menopause and pregnancy. Psychological causes of sexual dysfunction exhibit anxiety, stress, depression, past sexual trauma, relationship problems and guilt feelings.

Who Gets Affected By Sexual Problems?

Men and women suffer from sexual problems. But seniors are more affected due to their health-related declines related to aging. Men experience delayed ejaculation or premature ejaculation, or problems in maintaining the erection, or due to low testosterone. Women can also face problems with desire.

Inhibited Sexual Desire

Lack of sexual desire is said to be an inhibited sexual desire. It can have several causes like medical conditions, treatments, hormonal changes, stress, pregnancy, depression, lifestyle influences and fatigue. Consult your doctor if your medication causes side effects or problems in sexual arousal. Change of routine can help if desire is a problem. Trying sex in different times of the day, in various places, or different sexual positions can reignite the desire.

Anorgasmia (Lack Of Orgasm)

Absence of the sexual climax is said to be anorgasmia and considered a common sex issue. Factors causing anorgasmia are inexperience, and sexual inhibition. Psychological contributors related to anorgasmia has anxiety, guilt, sexual abuse or trauma. Chronic diseases, insufficient stimulation and drugs result in the lack of orgasm. Kegel exercises are one treatment for the lack of orgasm.

Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse can arise from ovarian cysts, endometriosis, vaginitis, pelvic mass, vaginal dryness, presence of scar tissue, poor lubrication or due to a sexually transmitted disease. The involuntary spasm of muscle surrounding the vaginal entrance is known as vaginismus that is in women who have sexual phobias or previous painful sexual experiences. Dyspareunia is the pain happening during a sexual intercourse while having a penetration. This type of pain can be superficial or deep.

Female Sexual Dysfunction

This happens when you’re unhappy with your sex life. It means your sex drive is less than you like, as it is difficult to reach an orgasm, or it’s uncomfortable. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) happens if you have these kind of problems for more than six months. Women with Female Sexual Dysfunction say they have an unsatisfying sex leading them to distress.

Female Sexual Problems is a problem, it ain’t an illness. It causes them unhappiness. Few women undergo FSD their entire lives, while some with age, illness or life experiences. This can happen in all situations or with only some partners. It can get resolved by itself, or needs help.

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