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PCOS Ayurveda Treatment in Kochi Kerala

PCOS Ayurveda Treatment

Originally posted 2022-10-04 09:43:39.

Have your doctors told you that you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? Have you tried all the other treatments but still can’t get pregnant? You’re not alone! Many people have finally realised that Ayurveda is the best way to treat PCOS.

Ayurveda has tried-and-true methods and whole-person solutions to treat PCOS. If you have PCOS, does that mean you can’t have children? This page answers all of your questions and tells you how to treat PCOS with Ayurveda if you’ve already been diagnosed with it.

Who has PCOS?

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is now one of the most common hormone problems that affect a woman’s ability to have children. It is a problem with the body’s hormones. It just means that hormones are the cause of the problem.

The ovaries of most women with PCOS are full of many small cysts. Even though these cysts don’t hurt you directly, they do change the way your hormones work. When one hormone changes, it causes another hormone to change, which in turn changes another hormone, and so on. This cycle is what makes you hurt and gives you problems with your periods.

“PCOS is found in 1 out of every 5 women today,” It is also one of the main things that really hurts a woman’s quality of life and sense of self-worth. Ayurveda has a lot of natural ways to deal with PCOS problems that don’t have any side effects.

Ayurvedic Signs of PCOS

PCOS is a health problem that affects women when they are of childbearing age. It causes a number of signs and symptoms. PCOS has different signs and symptoms, and they often start around the time of the first period during puberty. Sometimes PCOS happens later, like when a person gains a lot of weight.

The most common signs are irregular periods, darker skin, especially around the neck, weight gain, hair loss, acne, unwanted facial hair, high blood sugar, digestive problems like flatulence and bloating, infertility, etc.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, what causes PCOS?

Ayurveda says that three “doshas,” or energy forces, called vata, pitta, and kapha, move through the body and help it do important things. All three doshas are in perfect balance in people who are healthy. Ayurveda says that diseases can happen when any of the three forces of energy are out of balance.

In Ayurvedic texts, both men and women are said to have shukra dhatu (semen). Shukra dhatu is a very important part of making sure the reproductive system stays healthy. Shukradhatu can be thought of as a mix of the male hormone androgen and the female hormone oestrogen (female hormone). Any problem with Shukra dhatu can make it impossible to have children.

If the doshas are out of balance, the Shukra dhatu may not work as well. When “doshas” affect how well the Shukra dhatu works in women, it causes them to make too many male hormones and other signs of PCOS, like cysts on their ovaries.

Holistic Ayurveda treatments for PCOS help the condition without the side effects that come with allopathic treatments. It often uses a combination of effective Ayurvedic herbs and therapies, a strict diet, and a strict exercise plan or Yoga asanas to treat people.

Treatment for PCOS with Ayurvedic Panchakarma

1. Vamana

This is a detox procedure that makes you throw up to get rid of toxins in your body. The best time to do it is in the spring, so don’t forget to make an appointment with our doctor on time!

2. Virechana

If the old method involved making people throw up, Virechana does the same thing by making them have more bowel movements. This is a good way to get rid of problems with the colour of your skin as well.

3. Basti

If you haven’t heard of Basti, you’ve missed out on a lot of what Ayurveda has to offer. It is a painless procedure that can improve your reproductive health and make you more fertile.

4. Udvartana

The above were all ways to help yourself from the inside, but this is a way to help yourself from the outside. As your blood flow and skin quality slowly get better, you can enjoy the Udvartana massage.

In Ayurveda, the best way to treat PCOS is to keep it under control with natural remedies and changes to your lifestyle, so that the side effects get less and less over time.

Treatment for PCOS at Khokar Clinic with Ayurveda

Allopathic treatments might not give you any hope, but a holistic approach can help you get rid of PCOS. Khokar Infertility Clinic has been using the gifts of Ayurveda to treat PCOS symptoms. It tries to get rid of hormones causing PCOS, improve the way the ovaries work, and fix problems with the endocrine system, all of which cause PCOS.

Through a healthy diet, exercise, Ayurveda, and Yoga Therapy, as well as a personalised treatment plan that looks at the whole person, we can treat PCOS at its roots. Also, expert consultants help you stay on track with your plan to get rid of PCOS. You can talk to them by phone or WhatsApp.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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