Is it possible to bear children if I suffer from Endometriosis?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 09:03:34.

Perhaps you are longing to have a child, but have contracted endometriosis. A common question that you might ask is “Is it possible to become pregnant”. Medical experts state that it is very possible although a bit difficult to achieve.

Endometriosis is considered to be a common type of gynecological disorder which causes infertility and is quite painful. The tissue that is supposed to grow within the uterus is found to grow externally. Such growths may simply cover the ovaries or block the fallopian tubes.

There are fortunately present several treatment options. However, each one tends to come with different success rates.


Being benign growths, they do not cause cancer. However, the chance to become get pregnant can pose to be a problem as its growth may hamper your reproductive organs.

  • Fertilized egg may be stopped from sliding down to the uterus from the tubes.
  • Sperm may get blocked from entering the fallopian tubes.
  • As the ovaries wrap the endometrial tissue, your eggs get blocked from releasing.

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