Is coffee good for the skin?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:06:09.

According to health experts, drinking coffee in limited amounts is considered to be good for the skin. But it can be all the more better if used externally. Nowadays, there are several skin care products that contain coffee as an ingredient.

Its benefits

  1. Coffee can help eliminate puffiness surrounding the eyes, and also boosts antioxidant production, while protecting the skin from harmful UVB rays that is known to produce melanoma.
  2. A wonderful life hack will be to prepare coffee ice cubes to be rubbed gently over the swollen areas on the face.
    It also increases collagen levels and boosts skin cell regeneration. Collages retain youthful appearance of the skin, due to elasticity.
  3. If consumed regularly, it can boost better blood circulation and also offers lots of energy.
  4. This magical liquid can be used to prepare home-made facial scrub and used as exfoliator to make the skin glow. The scrub can be prepared by combining coffee with brown sugar and olive oil. It is to be applied gently to eliminate all the dead skin cells.
  5. This ingredient also does a lot of good for the scalp and the hair and nourishes it completely. For this, there will be required half cup ground coffee to be massaged on wet scalp and leave alone of about 2 minutes. Then wash the scalp and hair with choice of conditioner and shampoo. The results are likely to be fabulous.

The above benefits of coffee clearly show why it should be used internally and externally for better skin.
