Some Interesting Facts and Figures related to Sex

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:39:20.

There are many studies conducted pertaining to sexual facts to dispell myths. The studies are showcased as infographic content by the Institute for the Study of Urological Diseases to educate the people about sex. Some of the strange, interesting and alarming facts listed by the institute are reproduced below.

Sexual Problems and its prevalence in Men

It is a commonly accepted myth that men face greater issues with sexual dysfunction than women, but various studies conducted and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2010 observes that around 40 to 50% of women observe sexual dysfunction when compared to 20 to 30% of men. The common organic causes affect a person after the age of 40, but psychogenic causes are known to affect people of all ages.

Child Birth and Its Benefits to Sex Life

It is assumed that after childbirth the sex life is improved greatly, but studies published in the Journal of Sex Research, 2008 state it otherwise. 20% of the couples rate their relationship as bad or average post childbirth. If it is the first child, the relationship tends to remain in an average or bad state even after the baby attains 4 years. The sexual satisfaction and desire take a beating after childbirth. It is important that the couple takes measures to ensure they have personal time.

Having Sex Daily

This myth is now dispersed openly after the study observations of sexual activity was published in the Social Organisation of Sexuality, University of Chicago Press. The study reveals that only 7% of the couple have sex about 4 or more times a week. While 34% of the couples have sex, for about 2 to 3 times a week. 45% of the couples have sex for few times in a month, while 13% of couples have it few times in a year and 1% of the couple go without sex for the whole year. This decline in sexual activity busts all myths which propagate sex as a daily ritual.

Men are Always Ready for the Sex Game

This myth is assumed to be true in almost every culture and region. In reality, men may not be in a mood for sex all the time. He may be tired too, he may not like to indulge in sexual acts without developing intimacy with the woman. This fact sheet was published in the Journal of Sex, 2006 and comes as an eye opener for all women who believe men to be ready for sex.

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