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Infertility Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda Infertility Treatment Clinic

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:34:01.

Infertility is the most misused term in the ART clinics. Infertility itself is not a condition but a result of
condition(s) which interferes with the conception process. Ayurveda lays importance of the availability of enough Shukra Dhatu in men and women for good health of the sexual organs. The Shukra tissues or Dhatu is created by the body during the chain of the metabolic process of digesting the food. Hence, it is important that one consumes right kind of food to maintain healthy amounts of Shukra Dhatu in the body. A treatment for infertility in Ayurveda begins with toxic expulsion and is followed up with rejuvenating herb consumption to improve the reproductive organ functioning.

Swedanam and Vamanam

The toxic expulsion induced due to sweating helps one clear the toxic accumulation at basic levels. Sometimes, vomiting or the Vamanam is also helpful in removing the undigested toxic remains of the food.


This herb is effective in treating female infertility conditions and works by rejuvenating the reproductive organs. For male infertility it is usually mixed with other herbs like Shilajit, Guggul etc., to boost Shukra Dhatu creation in the body.

Triphala Churna and Ashwagandha Churna

The Triphala Churna is a mild laxative which helps one expel the toxic in the most natural form. The Ashwagandha Churna is helpful in treating male infertility caused due to lowered sperm count.

Depending on the body type of a person and digesting ability some may be recommended consumption of cooked Urad dhal(Black Gram) with cumin, fennel, coriander and turmeric.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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