How to Control Premature Ejaculation

Originally posted 2021-09-29 09:00:34.

Premature ejaculation(PE) or in my terms, early ejaculation is quite common issue faced by men until their 40s. Although it is important that one understands emotional and physical causes of PE, men may want to try “fix-it” means or techniques to delay PE.

Listed below are seven effective techniques that are good to try.

Deep Breathing

Breathing deeply is meditative and helps one control arousal sensations and the anxiety that causes early ejaculation(EE). Partner should look out for short shallow breathing of her man, which may trigger EE. Let him inhale and exhale deeply for five seconds, holding his breath for three seconds before exhaling. Let him practice it, for five minutes, rhythmically, it can help a lot in the bedroom. Also, by distracting your attention on breathing rhythm of your partner, intimate connection can be sought.

Stop-and-Start Method

This exercise should begin solo. You should masturbate alone, so that you are closer to orgasm and, stop the moment you feel you are nearing it. Relax for some time, and then continue to self-stimulate and feel the orgasm  coming, until you cannot stop reaching it. Repeated practice will make you understand your body’s point-of-no-return. After mastering this, engage into sexual pleasure with your partner and then stop at intercourse.

Squeeze Method

Your partner should use this technique when you are about to reach an orgasm. It requires your partner to squeeze your penis base. This decreases the intensity of an erection and puts a speed breaker to sexual pleasure. You may also want to apply this technique while you practice stop-and-start method.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises work for men too. It works by strengthening the pelvic areas and pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle), which in turn, help control ejaculation. You can identify this muscle yourself. Try and stop urine flow when in bathroom and you are using PC muscle in doing so. Once you identify the muscle that comes into play, you have to keep exercising it, and not concentrate on abdomen, thighs or buttocks. These should be relaxed and loose. Kegel exercise involves you to hold and release PC muscle continuously for a span of 10 seconds. It should be done thrice, with 10 second breaks in between. When you are close to orgasm, contract this muscle and you will delay ejaculation.

Tantric Techniques

These techniques require one to feel the energies that are into play during sexual acts. Once an intimate connection is established between partners, each can feel the other’s energy levels. Meaning, your partner will be able to know if you are nearing an orgasm and stop stimulating you, which should make you contract PC muscle, and lower your chin to chest. This pose avoids the increase in energy level and hence that feeling of being ungrounded vanishes. Draw a deep breath, feel the warm sexual energy and feel it rise in your body. Repeat the controlling technique until your desire is not urgent.

Condoms With Benzocaine

Results of this practice may vary. Such climax-control condoms delay climax to five minutes. It contains benzocaine on its tip, which is an anesthetic (mild) and causes slight numbing, thus decreasing sexual sensation and, reduce sexual response to a level where it is easily managed. Although during masturbation, these condoms are not required, it is good to check, if they help in controlling your sexual drive during solo masturbation sessions.


Recently FDA has approved a medication for EE. A topical applicant, Promescent when applied on penis, ten minutes prior to sexual activity, helps you control your sexual sensations better. Desensitization is a factor coming into play, which offers better control. As opposed to other topical applicants, Promescent gets absorbed into the skin and into the nerve endings that causes ejaculation. Hence, you and your partner can enjoy sex like usual.

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