How erectile dysfunction is treated by Ayurveda?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:02:52.

Treatment is complex, while it could be relevant to any system or organ of the body. Hence, to make comments on the healing methods and remedies of Ayurveda on erectile dysfunction, it will be essential to first outline the region where the disease has affected in Ayurvedic terms. During ancient times, it was well defined in the medicine the reproductive and sexual abilities in special direction – Vrishya Chikitsa. This field boasting of having experience of thousands of years has allowed to study this disease in full (in both men & women), which leads to disturbances faced in sexuality, especially reproduction. Also has been found effective treatments.

Good reproductive health (complete sexual activity experienced by both women & men), as per Ayurveda, affects the body’s energy levels. It connects the nervous system and creativity is activated by sexual energy. This in turn influences spiritual and mental activity in positive manner, thereby increasing overall life energy.

The organism, according to Ayurveda is rather unity of three levels, which interact and connect one another, namely, consciousness, psyche and physics. Therefore, when searching causes for erectile dysfunction including similar reproductive functions, it is the mental, spiritual and physical beginnings focused upon by Ayurveda.

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