Herbal Remedies to Cure Genital Herpes

Originally posted 2021-09-29 03:03:02.

Are you suffering from genital herpes? Eager to come across a cost-effective and safe method to treat this issue! Herpes treatment is more focused on trying to reduce the type of discomfort it is known to cause to the patients and not elimination of STD itself.

Home remedies to treat genital herpes

You can very treat genital herpes by availing by some home remedies that are easily available in the kitchen.
Lemon balm is considered to be a common home remedy to treat herpes. Possessing anti-viral properties, it can help hasten lesion passage. The solution needs to be applied to the blisters present at least 3-4 regularly.

Herpes outbreaks can be best treated with Ginseng Tea. It comprises of Echinacea hawthorn, spearmint, peppermint and astruglaus, which are herbs and available at any local side drug store. It does not come with any side effect and is good enough to boost your immune system, while strengthening your adrenal glands and reproductive system.

Stress does contribute significantly to genital herpes development. Chamomile tea is recommended to those who would like to alleviate such outbreaks. It comprises of rose hip, wild lettuce, chamomile, catnip, alfalfa, passion flower, vervain, lemon verbena and skullcap.

The other popular home remedy to treat genital herpes is Aloe Vera cream. Studies have revealed that a cream when mixed with aloe vera of 0.5% can shorten successfully herpes outbreak recovery time. Herpes recurrence is also not noticed on those applying this cream.

Herpes is also treated using aromatherapy. The herbs have essential oils in them which addresses emotional and health issues. After shower, it is best applied to lesions. Oil takes care of this issue and also deals with pain felt externally.

Another easy & effective way to cure genital herpes is to change existing diet lifestyle. In case, you suffer from this issue, then avoid consuming excess of dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, baked products, bread, etc. Rather, you need to choose sea vegetables, fruits and vegetables for your daily intake.

The other effective treatment to avail is mineral and vitamin therapy. You should take gram of bioflavonoid or Vitamin C of 2,000 mg. once in a day. Herpes outbreaks are effectively controlled with beta cartone consumption as per health experts, since it improves the body’s immune system, something essential to protect against virus infection.

Therefore following the above and consulting a good Ayurveda practitioner can help you to stay safe and combat genital herpes successfully.

Ayurveda Treatment for Genital Herpes

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