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Foods To Boost Sex Life

Foods To Boost Sex Life

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:32:22.

You can be emotionally and physically healthy by having healthy sexual life. Food does play a crucial role to assist you to get you in shape. Given below are some foods which are filled with rich nutrients and can help enhance your health and libido.


You should include different types of meat within your diet which can help improve your sex life. Meats like pork, beef and chicken comprise of L-arginine, carnitine and zinc. L-arginine and Carnitine are amino acids to help boost blood flow. Animal based protein ensures smooth functioning of all systems in the bedroom. For vegetarians, there are foods like dairy products, nuts and whole grains.


It offers omega 3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. This pink fleshed fish, halibut and tuna is probably the key to enhance sexual life. Also, plaque accumulation is prevented in the arteries by Omega 3.


Oysters do have aphrodisiac properties. Scallops, clams and oysters have compounds that helps elevate estrogens and testosterone levels. Oysters also contain zinc to boost blood flow.

Seeds & nuts

They have proven benefits to improve sex life. Almonds and cashews comprise zinc. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts should be used in the diet.


This strong herb is considered to be a natural thinner for blood. It prevents high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. It has anticoagulant properties and ensures ample generation of bloodstream in nether regions. Both the partners may benefit from consuming garlic in healthy dosage to enjoy an amazing evening.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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