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Few Important factors which favour Successful Conception

Few Important factors which favour Successful Conception

Originally posted 2021-09-29 10:26:15.

Couples who have decided to settle down with a family will want to know how to improve their chances of conception. Listed below are, few factors which help in this regard.

Choose Beverage wisely 

Higher caffiene intake, (500 mgs or five cups) lowers a woman’s fertility. A woman choosing to conceieve must limit her coffeine intake to about 200 or 250mgs while, alcohol comsumption should be moderate. After conception, alcohol consumption must be cut completely, as it may cause birth defects.

Avoid harmful exposures to pesticides 

Agricultural pesticides should be avoided at all costs by men and women, as they are known to consist toxins which affect fertility in men and women. Toxins released in dry cleaning and printing establishments are also known to mitigate fertility in women.

Follow Frequent sex pattern 

Couples are known to save up the sexual act, owing to busy schedules. This delay will affect fertility of both partners. Having frequent sex helps maintain sperm health and motility in men, while increasing chances of conception in women. Daily sex may take a toll on couples, although it increases chances of conception.

Smoking is harmful 

Smoking mitigates fertility in men and women. Receptive nature of uterus in women is affected due to it, while in men, sperm DNA and production is damaged. While pregnant it can increase chances of miscarriage.

Healthy BMI 

Women who maintain healthy weight and a BMI value in the range of 18.5 to 24.9 do not have infertility issues owing to obesity factor. This factor is often overlooked and is a common cause of infertility in women. A woman with BMI value more than 25 is considered obese.

Hot Bathtub bad for sperm health 

High scrotal temperatures are considered bad for sperm health. It is why, doctors do not recommend usage of laptops, hot bath tubs, and storage of cell phones near genital areas. The heat and radiation may affect sperm health. The President of The American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Dale McCliure, opines that, temperature control in the genital areas, does not have say in fertility in men, but avoiding abovementioned factors is good for sperm health.

Track Ovulation Window 

In women, the fertile window which begins six days ahead of ovulation and ends with ovulation, is considered most ferile period for conception. It is advised to track the ovulation of partner by making use of tool kits, and have frequent sex until this fertile window ends.

Vaginal lubricant choice 

It is observed that few lubricants may cause infertility in women. McClure observes many cases, wherein couples use, soap and water-based lubricants, which kill or affect sperm motility by 60%. He advices use of peanut oil rather than lubricants such as Touch, KY Jelly, and Astroglide.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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