Do Penis Enlargement Products really work?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:33:22.

You can come across ads promoting aggressively penis enlargement procedures and products just about everywhere. There are present lots of exercises, surgeries, weights, pills and pumps that have claimed to help increase penis width and length.

But little scientific support is found for non-surgical techniques used to enlarge penis. Moreover, penis surgery is not endorsed by any reputed medical organization purely for cosmetic reasons.

Majority of the advertised techniques are infective, while few may damage your penis. Hence, prior to trying out any of them, it will be wise to think twice.

Penis size: What is normal and not?

If you fear that you have too small penis or worry of not being able to satisfy your partner while having sex, then you are not alone. Studies conducted have shown that majority of the men tend to have the wrong assumption of their penis being too small. Rather, they are known to have normal sized penises.

Studies have also suggested that a good number of men tend to have that exaggerated notion of what exactly constitutes ‘normal’ penis size.

The non-erect penis length does not actually predict length consistently when erect. In case, your penis size is around 5” (13 cm) or even longer if erect, then it is stated to be of normal size.

It is abnormal only when it measures lesser than 7.5 cm (3”) in erect condition, a medical condition referred to as micropenis.

Penis enlargement products

The penis enlargement techniques that are advertised are mostly ineffective, with some even having the potentiality to cause permanent damage to the penis. Given below are few of the commonly used techniques and products:

Lotions & pills: Generally, they contain hormones, herbs, minerals or vitamins which according to their manufacturers can help enlarge the penis. But some might be harmful and none of such products are found to have proven to be effective.

Vacuum pumps: Since blood is drawn by pumps into the penis, they swell and at times are used for treating erectile dysfunction. The vacuum pump may make the penis to temporarily appear larger. However, using one too long or often will only damage the elastic tissue present in your penis, thereby causing less firm erections.

Exercise: At times referred to as jelging, there are exercises which use hand-over-hand motion for pushing blood to penis head from its base. Although this technique is found to be safer when compared to other methods used, no scientific proof has been noticed of the method providing the desried results. It might also cause disfigurement, pain and scar formation.

Stretching: It involves attaching extender or stretcher device termed penile traction device. It is attached to the penis for exerting gentle tension.

Surgery might not work and can be risky

Studies on the available surgical methods for penis lengthening are found to come with mixed results pertaining to patient satisfaction, effectiveness and safety.

Surgery like suspensory ligament division could add about 1 cm (half inch) to flaccid penis’ overall appearance. However, the penis actual length is not changed. Surgery may at worst, develop several complications like loss of function or sensation, scarring and infection.

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