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Diet and Penis Odor: 5 Food Types Which May Up The Stink Element

Diet and penis odor: 5 food types which may up the stink element. Diet and penis odor: 5 food types which may up the stink element

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:56:50.

There may arise circumstances in the bed that may spoil the moods of the two romantic partners. It may be the result of the man’s penis giving out a repellent and unwanted odor. This according to the medical experts is considered to be a problem caused by several reasons. Often, the food that the person consumes might have some impact upon the odor presented.

Even poor hygiene like not washing the penis region properly or avoiding soap may cause such unwanted smell. Sweat may accumulate in the area to cause stink up in the penis or probably some medications or diabetes.

Which foods cause stink up element in the penis region?

Food does play a crucial role and therefore, changing the diet can be a wonderful way to eliminate such issues. The truth is every person’s body metabolizes different types of food in different manner. Factors like time of the year, day, hydration level and other foods consumed at same time or stress levels are to be identified. Some foods to avoid to prevent bad penis odor:

  • Red meat: Even though plenty of protein is derived from red meat, digesting is hard. More enzymes will be required for breaking it down. It leaves the body in great numbers via sweat glands, thereby creating potential aromatic emergency.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: It includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, etc. These vegetables do offer several health benefits. But excess consumption will cause penis odor. It is because of the sulfur content present in them, which is really unpleasant.
  • Spicy foods: Including spice in the food definitely adds up taste. There are spices that raise body temperature and increase sweat amount which again pours into the penis region to create bad odor.
  • Fish: Penis odor, according to majority of the women tends to have that fishy smell. Fish comprises of trimethylamine that can be difficult to metabolize properly. It can be a major turn-off, because of the strong fish smell.
  • Alcohol: A couple of glass is safe to consume, but over consumption frequently will only carry scent of such drinks in the body, which also includes the penis region.

In order to fight penis odor, it becomes essential to monitor food. Consulting the specialist can help to know what needs to be done and avoided to avoid bad penis odor and to enjoy married life.


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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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