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Common Sexual Disorder, and Symptoms in Men

Common Sexual Disorder, and Symptoms in Men

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:33:22.

An estimation states that, sexual disorders, are a common problem, faced by men world-wide, and affecting more than 152 million of them. If you have some concerns regarding your, sexual disorder, and are not able to confirm, if you are suffering from it, the following list of symptoms, should help you, categorize yourself.

Painful intercourse 

Not only women, but men, also, observe painful intercourse, causing them to lose interest, and even fear, sexual acts. This is an important condition, not to be ignored, by men or women. It is visible as, pain in abdomen. This pain may arise, during, or after sexual act.

Lower Back Pain 

Commonly, men suffer from lower back pain, which causes them to, skip, sexual intercourse. Men, need to have a strong back, in order to, indulge into sex, when, they suffer aches in this region, any amount of arousal, cannot get, them aroused.

Erectile Dysfunction 

Many men, are unable to get an erection, and suffer from erectile dysfunction. Men suffering from it, may engage in, foreplay, and begin their lovemaking act, but cannot hold on to, the arousal, and consummate it, completely, thereby making them feel bad, about incomplete sexual act. If you are finding it difficult to, get an erection, even while masturbating, you are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

No Climax 

It happens, that sometimes a man, is aroused enough, during foreplay, but, is unable to achieve a climax, even after long duration. This is termed as absence of, orgasm, and is a common scenario, in many men. This absence of orgasm, affects negatively on one’s sexual health, causing greater frustration.

Early Ejaculation 

In this condition, men are, every excited, and, reach their orgasm very fast, even before, their sexual partner. Such occurrences, cause, immense dissatisfaction to, partner, and cause them to, lose interest in sexual act, thereby affecting their sexual relationship.


Other symptom, to make note of, is difficulties in urination. It may be, inflamed or painful Urination.

Once, the identifying symptoms show up, it is good to consult a doctor, promptly, without any delay. Men, usually are not open about their condition, when it comes to, problems with, sexual intercourse. They take it as a failure to, be a man and feel embarrassed, to share this fact. If they understand that, this condition is, quite common and curable. When diagnosed right, they can avoid, worsening their condition, to the-point-of-no-return. Even after identifying, your cause related symptoms, if you are, flummoxed, as to when is the right time, to see a doctor, list below should clear your mind.

  • If you suffer from any, or all of the above-mentioned symptoms, which is causing extreme dissatisfaction, in your partner, and your relationship is, going downhill. It is high-time to see a doctor.
  • If you are diabetic, coupled with cardiac problems, it can be the reason for your, zero performance. Book your appointment with your doctor at the earliest.
  • Although many of above symptoms can be overcome, with some lifestyle changes. Many a times, they give, temporary relief. In such a scenario, it is best to seek medical help.
  • Come to, Sanjivani Ayurved Ashram, you can see yourself, controlling and overcoming disease, naturally, at a slow pace, with some aid from Ayurveda.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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