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Ayurveda Treatment

Infertility Treatment in Ayurveda

Infertility is the most misused term in the ART clinics. Infertility itself is not a condition but a result of…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Weak Erection: Zero Side Effects of Treatment

When a man is sexually aroused, hormones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels all work together to make an erection. When…

Common Sexual Disorder, and Symptoms in Men

An estimation states that, sexual disorders, are a common problem, faced by men world-wide, and affecting more than 152 million…

Azoospermia – An Ayurvedic Approach to Treating it

Male infertility is caused due to numerous factors. One of the important contributing factors for male infertility is Azoospermia, i.e.,…

Crucial health tips for men

A healthy body and mind is what will help men to live happily and lead a long life. With some…

Foods To Boost Sex Life

You can be emotionally and physically healthy by having healthy sexual life. Food does play a crucial role to assist…

I don’t feel like having sex with my husband

Query I'm getting close to menopause, and my sexual drive is going down very fast. I don't talk about sex…

Major Sexual Weakness Disorders in Men

To Have a Premature Ejaculation: Premature ejaculation can be persistent or repeated ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation, shortly after the…

4 Foods For Perimenopause

It is important for every woman to have well balanced, highly nutritious food, irrespective of her age. With the right…

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fallopian Tube Block

The Ayurveda classifies Tubal block into the Tridoshaja condition with Vata-Kapha in domination. Medicines which help balance the vitiated Tridosha's…
