Can STD Be Prevented By Using Condoms?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:52:21.

This is a question of safety and precaution that many men have in their minds. Advertisements on using condoms, is being promoted aggressively on the TV to practice safe sex. Condoms are stated to be effective towards protecting from AIDS/HIV diseases. But what many are not aware is that condoms are not good enough to protect the person from STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) like HPV, herpes, scabies, public lice or syphilis. Through skin, they spread to genital contact. These STIs are likely to spread very easily and also produce life threatening condition, even if there is no exchange of fluids.


The immune system is weakened by HIV by reducing T-Lymphocyte numbers. Normal range is around 500-1500 that drops less than 200 if affected by HIV infection. Secondary infection caused due to weakened immune system makes the body vulnerable to various types of secondary attacks and are referred to as opportunist infections. Antibiotic cannot prevent HIV infection.

Similarly, using of condoms cannot prevent sexually transmitted infections. Hence, a big myth that is related by the mass is that condoms can easily prevent all type of STIs. Probably, the STIs could be lying dormant within the carrier person’s body, but not having any physical manifestation or symptoms. They might transmit infection to someone coming in sexual contact. The experts are of the conclusion that monogamy can be the safest way for preventing sexually transmitted infections. Also condoms should not be regarded to be an alternative for the same. Discussing with the doctor can help know more about how to have safe sex.

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