Best Time to Have Sex to Get Pregnant

Originally posted 2022-11-02 11:04:41.

Timing is very important when you’re trying to get pregnant. Nature gives us a small window each month to get pregnant. Due to changes in your cycle, you can get pregnant any day of the month. However, if you work with your body’s regular reproductive rhythm, you’re much more likely to get a fertilised egg and find out you’re pregnant.

Want to know when the best time is to have a baby? Here are some ways to know when to jump into action (in the bedroom) for the best chance of getting pregnant.

Okay, here’s a quick biology lesson on how you really get pregnant: When you ovulate, your ovary sends a mature egg into your fallopian tube. This egg is ready to be fertilised by a sperm. This egg and that sperm only have 12 to 24 hours to meet.

Sperm stay in the fallopian tubes longer, which is good (up to several days). This means that it’s best to have sex on the day you ovulate, but you could also get pregnant if you do the deed a few days before ovulation. When that egg comes, there should still be live sperm in your fallopian tubes.

So, how do you know when you’re going to ovulate? First, figure out how long your typical monthly cycle is. To do this, start with the first day of your period and count the days until the next one. Even though 28 days is the average, normal can be very different. [1] Yours could be anywhere from 21 to 35 days, and that’s fine from a fertility point of view.

It’s time to do some math now. The follicular phase, the first half of the cycle, is different for each woman. But the second half, called the luteal phase, is usually the same for everyone: 14 days, though it can be 12 days. So, if your next period starts 28 days after your last one, you’ll probably ovulate on day 14 or 16.

This method will help more the more regular your periods are. But what if your periods come and go? You should pay more attention to the other signs of ovulation that are listed below.

Signs that it’s a good time to get pregnant

Your body gives you a lot of signs that it’s time to get moving. This is how you can find them:

Check your cervical mucus

When did you last look at your underwear? Or, ahem, did you feel your poop come out? It may sound strange, but your cervical mucus (CM) can tell you when it’s best to have sex. You want a discharge that feels like egg whites because that means your body is getting ready to ovulate.

If you keep track of your CM for a month, you’ll notice a pattern: you’ll probably be dry for a few days to a week after your period. Then, your CM might stick together for a day or two. Then, around day eight, it will speed up and turn creamy. It could be white or pale yellow.

The next step, ovulation mucus, is the big one. Not only will you have a lot of discharge, but it will also be slimy and stretchy. If you pull it between two fingers, it will stretch up to a few inches! This egg white stage is a sign that you are about to ovulate, so you and your partner might want to skip dinner and a movie and spend more time together.

By the way, that CM texture is how nature makes sure that sperm get to the egg. Lastly, after the day you ovulate, you might feel drier down there.

Get to know your cervix

You can look for signs of pregnancy in your own cervix (no stirrups or speculum necessary). During a woman’s monthly cycle, the cervix goes from being firm, closed, and low in the vagina to being higher up, soft, and open around ovulation.

These changes make it a better place for sperm to swim. And if you’re willing to get your hands dirty, you can feel the difference. This is how put a clean finger with a short nail into your vagina while sitting on the toilet or squatting. Write down how you feel throughout the month. You can use paper or a fertility app on your phone to keep track.

Get to know your vagina, as well

Pay attention to your vaginal lips as well during the month. When you’re ovulating, you might notice that they’re bigger or fuller.

Take note of crampy aches

Pain in the middle of your cycle is another sign that you’re at your most fertile. This cramping is called “Middle Pain” in German. It can be mild or very painful. It usually hurts on one side, near the ovary where an egg is being released, but it can hurt all over. Even if you don’t feel anything, don’t worry: only about 1 in 5 women have mittelschmerz.

Take your temperature

Changes in your body temperature can be another sign that you’re ready to go. Your basal body temperature (BBT), which is the temperature you have when you wake up after at least three to five hours of sleep, changes as your hormones do. From the beginning of your cycle until the day you ovulate, oestrogen is high and your morning temperature is lower. But your temperature goes up by half a degree a day or two after you ovulate. This happens as your progesterone level goes up to get your uterus ready for pregnancy.

You’re actually a little late to make a baby at this point. But you can time your sex in the future if you know when your reading goes up. You’ll need a digital thermometer or a BBT temperature reader that you can wear to keep track of your BBT. Take a reading first thing in the morning, before you do anything, like sit up or talk. You can write it down or use an app on your phone to keep track. The pattern over at least two months is what you’re looking for.

You might notice that your BBT goes up on day 16, which means that you’re probably going to release an egg on days 14 or 15, so you’ll want to make plans for the bedroom a few days before that.

Get an ovulation predictor kit

A fertility monitor is the next step up. With this tool, you can find out how much LH and oestrogen are in your urine. You turn on the monitor when you get your period and it alerts you when it’s time to start using the urine strips. Then you pee on a strip and put it in the monitor to find out if you’re having a low, high, or peak fertility day.

There are also saliva tests that look at the electrolytes in your saliva to tell when your oestrogen level is high. You spit on a lens first thing in the morning. Then, after five minutes, you pretend to be a scientist and look at it through a microscope. You’ll see random dots for most of the month, but a day to three days before you ovulate, you should see a pattern that looks like a fern or frost on a window. The problem with saliva tests is that some women find it hard to tell the patterns apart.

Last, there are things you can wear. A fertility watch works by looking at the salts in your sweat. About four to six days before ovulation, it picks up a surge of chloride ions. This is a sign that you need to get to work. A fertility tracker bracelet connects to your phone and keeps track of important information like your skin temperature, breathing, and resting heart rate. It tells you when you’re in your fertile zone and when you should try to get pregnant.

What to do if you’re struggling to determine the best days to conceive

You’ve been looking for CM and keeping track of your BBT, but it seems like you’re not ovulating every month or at all. Talk to your OB/GYN if you think you’re not ovulating.

Up to 15% of women can get their period but not have an egg release. And you can’t get pregnant without that egg. There are many common reasons why a healthy woman might not ovulate one month, such as being sick, being under a lot of stress, or gaining or losing weight.

Check with your gynaecologist if you think you’re not ovulating. Your doctor can suggest ways to make you ovulate, which will get you closer to hearing that you’re going to have a baby.

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