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Ayurvedic Treatment Options for Azoospermia

azoospermia treatment

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:25:08.

Ayurvedic Treatment Options for Azoospermia : Azoospermia is usually a result of a malfunction in the spermatogenesis. For regulating this process, the Ayurvedic approach is the most natural and suitable method. Even in cases of non-obstructive Azoospermia, herbs like Shilajit, Ashwagandha or Asparagus are known to regulate the spermatogenesis and hence encourage sperm production. A person with high FSH value and a zero sperm count is termed as suffering from Non-Obstructive Azoospermia.

The Ayurvedic remedies available for treating this condition are many, but only an expert in this field is able to recommend the right herb or Rasayana for treating your condition. As a rule, every treatment in Ayurveda begins with a detoxification process to make the seminiferous tubules receptive to the herbal supplements. This detoxification takes care of expelling the free radicals and accumulated toxins in the body.

Herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit and Asparagus are termed as Vajeekarana herbs or aphrodisiacs which help improve the reproductive capacity of the body. The Vajeekarana therapy is one of the best options for treating infertility in men and women. A mix of herbal preparations which tone up your reproductive organs is suggested according to your metabolism rate and dosha vitiations in the body.

Along with herbal preparations, one is recommended foods which aid in the rejuvenation of the reproductive organs. The Dhatu Nirmana Krama is one such therapy laying stress on the nutrients consumed. The defective organs are focused each cell at a time and corrected in the most natural manner thus giving a permanent and sustainable cure for the condition.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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