Ayurvedic Treatment for Fallopian Tube Block

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:28:09.

The Ayurveda classifies Tubal block into the Tridoshaja condition with Vata-Kapha in domination.
Medicines which help balance the vitiated Tridosha’s are suggested as treatment according to the nature
of the person and her health history. Herbs or procedures which help clear the passage and reduce
inflammation in the tubes are known to provide relief from this condition. A study has confirmed that
about 40% of tubal block cases had a history of PID. Inflammatory diseases are known to scar the tube
tissues and cause inflammation and hence result in the growth of blockages. Some popular procedures
and treatment therapy that provide relief to women with this condition are:

Uttar Basti

A herbal medication such as Kumari Taila is administered via the vagina to reach the tubes
by making use of modern medical instruments. This procedure is done along with hot water
fomentation given to the lower abdomen. Certain diet restrictions and lifestyle changes are
recommended to obtain faster and sustainable results.

Castor Oil Therapy

This treatment is usually given in conjunction with other important procedures to
treat the infertility conditions in women. A clean cloth dipped in castor oil is applied over the lower
part of the abdomen. Heat is applied on top of the cloth. This treatment helps relieve pain and stimulate
blood circulation to the reproductive organs thereby, removing toxins and reducing the inflammation.

Anti Inflammatory Herbs

Herbs like Ginger root, Goldenseal root are known to reduce inflammation and promote blood circulation and hence clear the blockages gradually.

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