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Are You at Risk of Contracting Bacterial Vaginosis?

Are You at Risk of Contracting Bacterial Vaginosis?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:13:04.

Women and young females increase their chances of contracting bacterial vaginosis when promiscuity sets in their sex life. Today’s teenagers are also leading active sex life which puts them at a greater risk of contracting STDs. Bacterial Vaginosis or the BV is a common condition affecting female population from 14 to 44 years. Before going into the factors which put you at risk, know what is bacterial vaginosis and its symptoms.

This condition occurs when the good bacteria found in the vagina and the reproductive tract is lowered or imbalanced causing a surge in the bad bacteria population. The good bacteria keep the population of the bad bacteria in check and hence, when the good bacteria suffer, the imbalance results in a condition termed as bacterial vaginosis. The surge in bad bacteria results in increased itchy feeling or inflammation in the vagina.

Check your Symptoms

Vaginal discharge with a pungent fish smell accompanied by constant itch in the vagina and its surroundings indicates abnormal growth of bad bacteria.

There may also be burning sensation when urinating.

After sexual intercourse, the bad odor from the vagina is more pronounced.

What puts you at Risk?

Excess vaginal cleaning

If you have a habit of using vaginal products like the vaginal wash, douches, cleansers or are accustomed to employ stringent cleaning measures for vaginal hygiene, you are increasing your risk factor. Excess cleaning of the vagina causes it to become devoid of good bacteria population and makes it dry and inflamed. This, in turn, causes the bad bacteria to thrive and populate. To reduce the risk of contracting BV, wash with mild or lukewarm water, do not use soaps or hygiene wash to clean your vagina.


Pregnant women are at greater risk of contracting BV. Be watchful for the symptoms of BV and seek medical attention at the right time to avoid birth complications.

Frequent change of sex partners

If you lead an active sex life and have a habit of changing your partners frequently, you are increasing the risk of disturbing the balance your vaginal bacteria population. Although there is no direct factor which causes this imbalance, it is observed that women who change partners frequently push themselves into the risky zone of contracting BV.

What is the cure?

Before prescribing the medicine for treating the BV, the doctor may collect the vaginal fluid sample and test it for BV. Once the condition is confirmed antibiotics help control the bad bacteria population. However. the conventional treatment methods do not guarantee the absence of future outbreaks.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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