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Age Factor and Male Libido

Age Factor and Male Libido

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:04:23.

Men observe a natural decline in interest for sexual acts with age. It is analogous to the menopause in women. Men after 50 may sometimes find it difficult to get or hold an erection. PE or ED may also set in, depending on other psychological conditions. This may cause a drop in libido levels in men. The term given is Andropause or the Aging Male Syndrome for the menopause observed in men. The primary cause of Andropause and reduced libido is drop in the testosterone hormone due to ageing. Although men in early 50s observe pronounced symptoms of Andropause, modern lifestyle has dropped the lower limit to 35. That is, men after 35 may also find it difficult to hold or get an erection or have poor libido. The following checklist helps you identify and act upon the factors which worsen this condition.                                 

Medication for Age-related conditions

It is common for men to have issues with blood pressure or cardiac-related ailments. The conventional medicines which treat the issues may have side effects which in turn affect your libido.

Depression due to trauma or change of lifestyle

Men are prone to depression when they retire simply  because of the major change in their lifestyle. Other than trauma, adjusting to a new lifestyle can be depressive for men causing poor libido.

Lack of exercise or a healthy food routine

Lack of exercise and unhealthy eating lowers body immune system. This, in turn, may aggravate the side effects of medication or trigger other conditions.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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