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About Venereal Warts and tips to deal with such issues

About Venereal Warts and tips to deal with such issues

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:57:07.

To know if you have contracted venereal warts symptom or not is not that easy, since it might appear like normal warts. It can be in clumps or single warts and also be found in varying sizes and shapes. Probably, you might not be aware of its existence, since they are not painful or visible always. For others, they can be obvious and quite sizeable.
Venereal warts in women are usually found within the vagina region, surrounding the vulva (which is the vagina’s external part), around anus and the cervix area. If the warts are identified internally, then there is likely to be a change noticed in vaginal discharge or some kind of burning sensation experienced.

Men may likely to notice its appearance on their penis region, although it might develop within the urethra and surrounding the anus. In case, they occur around urethra, some bleeding or discharge might take place. Also can be noticed the urgent and increased need to constantly urinate.

HPV (human papilloma virus) may also cause venereal warts and is commonly termed as genital warts. It is a sexually transmitted disease which in recent years has become quite a common problem, faced especially by young adults. It might appear like that of the warts developing on other body parts. But, it can take a more serious shape. However, this risk is faced mostly by women, since some strains have been linked with increased cervical cancer risks.

The condition for such warts to develop is spread normally during sexual intercourse, from skin to skin contact. Visible warts, if any are likely to become visible in 2-3 months timeframe on getting exposed to the infected person. This problem is only found to worsen further due to the fact that you or probably your partner is not aware of having contracted this virus in the first place.

Medical experts state that prevention is rather the best way for approaching this condition. However, it might not seem to be easy to achieve as imagined. It will be crucial for you to know about your partner’s health or sexual history prior to having close intimacy. But, it is not likely to be a practical solution and is sure to be a serious mood killer, especially if wrong approach is made before the partner. However, you do need to strive to make an honest effort to identify the truth possible. In case, visible warts signs are noticed around the partner’s genitals, then they should be advised to get immediate and proper medical help. It is likely to benefit both the partner and your health and relationship also in the long run. Do remember that condoms are a wise choice to prevent venereal warts transfer.

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Reviewed by Dr Hameed Ibrahim Khokar:
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