Treating Menstrual Disorders with Ayurveda

Originally posted 2021-09-29 04:13:04.

Different types of menstrual disorders are suffered by women, some of which are given below:

Amenorrhoea (No Periods)

When pregnant, most women do not experience periods. When there is no pregnancy and still no periods, then amenorrhoea condition is experienced. It is of two types, namely primary & secondary, with various causes.


Women facing this condition during menstrual cycle may suffer from continuous or heavy bleeding, lasting for several days, with the leading cause being hormonal imbalance. Other reasons are uterine fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis and endometriosis polyp, etc.


Women may have that nauseous feeling with pain, suffer from excessive bleeding and diarrhoea. Causes can be pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids in uterus and endometriosis.


Abnormal bleeding takes place during periods from other areas and not uterus. Tissues growing in uterus start to develop in other reproductive parts like ovaries, pelvic cavity and fallopian tubes. Women suffer from both menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea including menometrorrhagia.

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

It is a common disorder associated with the endocrine system affecting childbearing aged women. This is due to sex hormonal imbalance including oestrogen and progesterone causing tiny ovarian cysts, affecting ovaries, while hampering ovulation process.

Ayurveda based reasons for cause of menstrual disorders
  • Fatty meat consumption
  • Excessive sour, salty, pungent, hot & heavy, fermented foods
  • Indigestion
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Continuous eating
  • Repeated induced pregnancy termination
  • Anorexia
  • Trauma
  • Daytime napping, etc.
Ayurvedic treatment & medicine

Ayurveda at Ayurvedic Hospital identifies the root cause to cure by healing. Treatment involves Vata dosha correction achieved through series of therapies and treatments. Special massages like Udvartana are also prescribed for those suffering from PCOS.

Lifestyle & diet changes
  • Doctor suggested foods
  • Avoid mental & physical stress
  • Beverages are consumed at room temperatures
  • Frequent baths
  • Reducing iced drinks, tea & coffee, etc.

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