Erectile Dysfunction: Ayurvedic Remedies

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:07:18.

Erectile Dysfunction referred to as ED in short is actually instability experienced by men to maintain or achieve an erection that is sufficient enough to meet his sexual needs or of the partner. At times, ED might be termed as ‘impotence’. ED also means not being in a position to achieve erection, inconsistency in doing so or achieving just brief erections.

Erection & its Physiology

The penis (corpora cavernosa) has two chambers running through the organ, comprising of spongy tissue. A membrane surrounds the corpora cavernosa, referred to as tunica albuginea. This spongy tissue comprises of fibrous tissues, smooth muscles, arteries, veins and spaces. The semen and urine channel, namely the urethra runs along beneath the corpora cavernosa.

Availing Drug Therapy

Ayurveda prescribes wide range of herbal preparations to treat impotence or ED. People with strong sexual urge and eager to have regular sex are required to consume regularly such preparations to replenish their strength, vigor, stamina and energy. Nutrients are also supplied by the preparations, considered to be essential to produce semen.

Erection begins due to mental or sensor stimulation or even both. Impulses emerging from the local nerves and brain relax the corpora cavernosa muscles and allows flow of blood to fill up the spongy tissue spaces.

Blood flow creates pressure within the corpora cavernosa, thereby helping in expansion of the penis region. Tunica albuginea also ensures blood trapping within the chambers, thereby helping to sustain proper erection. As penis muscles contract, it opens up outflow channels and stops blood inflow, thereby causing erection to recede.

Get Ayurveda Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction From Khokar Clinic

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