How to know if you develop issues with Libido loss?

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:26:11.

It is essential to understand that loss of libido does not take place all of a sudden, similar to catching cold. Rather, it progress gradually. Experts define it as lack of sexual interest for few months from the past year.

Sexual interest cannot be measured with sexual activity frequency. There might arise several circumstances before an encounter, even if there is any desire. However, if you are committed and having less sex than what is the norm, say once in a week, then you need question yourself if you are really happy and satisfied!

In case, not happy with libido loss, then the issue should be controlled, before it gets out of proportion. Check out if the following questions are answered true or false, to identify early warning signs:

  • Touching is done only in bedroom.
  • Sexual activities no more provide that feeling of sharing and connection.
  • One among you is the initiator always, while the other feels pressurized.
  • No longer are you interested in sex.
  • Sex has become routine and mechanical.
  • You have stopped having sexual fantasize or thoughts about your spouse.
  • Sex is enjoyed only once or perhaps twice in a month.

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