Get Rid of Female Infertility Through Ayurveda Treatment!

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:57:09.

Women’s belonging to all age group suffer from female infertility problems. Female infertility term relates to a condition when a woman can’t become pregnant after trying for a baby at-least one year. If a woman comes across repeated miscarriages that situation can also called as Female Infertility. It may also cause due to various lifestyle factors, physical problems, environmental or hormonal problems . Most common female infertility problems are cause due to the problem related to producing eggs in women.  Some other factors are fibroids, polycystic or PCOS (Does not release healthy eggs), Infection causes such as Chlamydia, premature menopause or embryo defects and egg quality due to average age which cause problem related to infertility in women.  

In a natural way a woman conceives only with Healthy & a Good quality Sperm, a healthy ovum and uterus.  In men and women reproduction takes place based on the health of reproductive tissue. In women as per Ayurveda;  Shukra Dhatu creates the Ovum as a part of monthly menstruation cycle and in men the sperm is generated due to the sexual stimulation.  

The Shukra is generated as a part of long chain of metabolic transformation in human beings. It happens when food is digested and then converted in to nutrient fluid, blood, fat, muscle, and finally to shukra dhatu after various chemical process in body.  In most cases, imbalance caused due to shukra dhatu cause infertility in women or female infertility and that imbalance can be treated only using Ayurveda herbs without and side effect.

Fortunately, Dr Hameed Ibrahim has developed a rare, unique and effective detoxification medicine based on traditional KERALA  AYURVEDA secret formula which can cure Female Infertility caused due to fibroids in uterus. Poly cystic ovarian disease, irregular menstrual cycle, Hormonal imbalance and abnormality is corrected and treated from the root cause.

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