5 Natural ways to Treat Acne

Originally posted 2021-09-29 05:52:02.

Probably, you are suffering from acne breakout and looking for effective naturally remedies. People in millions have been suffering from acne, the world over and searching for the best natural remedies. Pimples on the face are likely to cause embarrassment before the others.

Natural ways to treat acne

Wash face using salicylic acid prior to hitting bed. It can help dissolve dead skin cells and blackheads. Dab some white toothpaste on the acne region and leave it overnight. Wash face in the morning and repeat the procedure for few days.

Drink plenty of water. It will help to keep the skin free from blemishes, glowing and fresh. Water is considered to be a natural cure to do away with pimples without creating harsh irritations.

Avoid using processed foods as they irritate the condition. This is because, they comprise of plenty of toxins, which only further harms the skin. More vegetables and fruits are to be included in the diet.

Exfoliate using commeal: It is a wonderful acne treatment that can help to eliminate pimples fast. It is the perfect home remedy to eliminate pimples and also cleans the blocked pores thoroughly. Mix commeal using facial cleanser. Then massage solution twice a week all over the face. Working together, they can penetrate the deep pores and can dissolve hardened oils and dead skin cells.

Use only mineral makeup. It can help to avoid clogged skin pores, which are caused mostly by non-mineral makeup hence, mineral makeup having SPF, can help protect from harmful rays of the sun.

Overall, the above 5 natural ways when followed can do away with acne breakout.

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