5 home remedies to do away with Itchy, Dry Skin

Originally posted 2021-09-29 06:27:00.

Probably, you are having that scuffing feeling or dryness on your skin all the time! Itchy, dry skin can really make life miserable and also aggravating at times. It also disrupts your daily activities and sleep. Some common causes for dry, itching skin include dry weather, soaps and detergents, certain medications, insect bites, skin infections and allergic reactions.

Top natural remedies to treat itchy, dry skin

Colloidal oatmeal: It refers to ground oats being in fine powder form. It is highly effective to provide soothing and comforting itchy skin and contains anti-irritating and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are excellent to provide quick relief to itching.

Baking soda: It is effective to treat itchy skin and skin rashes. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is regarded to be natural acid neutralizer to provide relief from itchy conditions.

Milk: It has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and does help to solve problems associated with dry, itchy skin. Milk contains lactic acid and can help exfoliate dead skin cells. Thus, it increases skin’s ability to retain moisture. Milk also helps to lighten up skin complexion.

Lemon: People used lemon for ages to teat dry, itchy skin. This fruit is rich in citric and acetic acids and comes with anti-inflammatory, anti-irritating and anti-septic properties. However, lemon is not good for sensitive skin.

Coconut oil: It is a wonderful home remedy to treat dry skin as it contains fatty acids in huge amounts to make up for the loss in skin moisture.

The above home remedies are easily available and completely safe for the skin.

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