5 causes for painful urination and how to prevent it

Originally posted 2021-09-29 02:00:49.

5 causes for painful urination and how to prevent it: There are times, when you may experience painful urination, which could be due to some serious health issue or allergy. Whatever be it, you do need to visit a physician immediately to get treatment.

Know 5 causes for painful urination

Allergic reaction: Your genital region may come in contact with some foreign agent like soap, laundry detergent or body lotion. If your body does not like it, then it may result in allergic reaction. In such a case, you are likely to experience unpleasant, fiery urine. Medication may also result in allergic reactions. You need to wash the affected area with clean water and then air dry it. Apply less pressure upon allergic reaction. If swelling rash or itching is experienced, then take antihistamine.

Kidney stones: Calcium and/or uric acid build-up means kidney stones, which may get lodged where bladder & urine meet. While urinating, you will feel extreme pain. You need to pee it out naturally. If stones are excessively big, then you may require shock wave lithotripsy to break the stones into smaller pieces and urinate it out. You can also opt for Ayurveda medicines that will remove the stones naturally.

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection): It is likely to cause pain during urination. It occurs as bacteria enter the urinary tract. It might be kidneys, urethra or the bladder. Check out for blood tinged or cloudy urine, low grade fever and pain in back and side. Antibiotics can help treat UTIs. Consume lots of water to eliminate bacteria from the system.

Prostatitis: This bacterial infection may cause pain while urinating. The symptoms can be urinating urge in the evening, difficulty in ejaculating and genital aches. Consult the specialist to get proper treatment.

BPS (Bladder Pain Syndrome): If your bladder feels pressure & pain concurrently, then it may be BPS. In urinary tract issues also it may occur, lasting about 6 weeks or so without any properly known cause. Those suffering from medical issues like IBS, fibromyalgia or chronic pain are susceptible. There is no cure for BPS. Do contact your healthcare expert to get proper treatment plan.

Tips to prevent such issues

Follow few basic steps to avoid pain during urination. Drink lots of whatever to flush kidneys and the whole system. Always practice safe sex so as to avoid foreign particles entering the system. If you find something abnormal in the area, then consult the specialist without any delay. Clean your penis from time to time with mild cleaner such as baby wash and warm water. Rinse well and pat or air dry. Avoid rubbing.

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