3 Biological Reasons for Unwanted Erections, their Cause and Cure

Originally posted 2021-09-29 03:33:14.

There may take place unintended or unwanted erections with frequency. Perhaps, this could be because of some friction or you may have seen something interesting. It simply happens and for men, it is completely normal. At times, it can be serious.

Reasons for unwanted erections and tips to cure this problem

NPT (Nocturnal penile tumescence) is considered to be ‘morning wood’. It is regarded to be one of the major reasons for unwanted erection to take place. Some tend to experience over 5 erections every night while sleeping, which medical experts regard to be very normal biological restorative function. On waking up, few may find to have a hard on, although it took place prior to them getting conscious. Such unwanted erections might be somewhat persistent, not interested to settle down without additional or external support. Anything may cause it like hormones coursing through your body from previous night or sheet touching your penis. Younger men find NPT to be a common issue. The remedy here is simple and easy. Pee and wait it to step down or find proper use for it.

Excess testosterone: Our feeling as well as what our body desires to do in the long and short run is mostly influenced by our hormones. They actually are found to instruction on what to do, when and how to feel. Those with excess testosterone levels referred to as High T are likely to find themselves to be unwanted erection recipients. Throughout your life, you are likely to find testosterone levels to fluctuate, which again is said to be influenced by environmental factors and age. At times, the remedy will be to give it some extra time to settle down. Otherwise, visit your doctor to undergo an examination to identify the cause of extra erections.

Priapism: It is regarded to be the most dangerous of all unwanted erections, since blood clot created in the penis region might last for several hours. If left untreated, then it can prove to be extremely painful and may cause penile tissue to simply die out. Those using regularly male erection enhancers or with sickle cell anaemia face higher priapism related risks. The remedy here is to visit the emergency room to avail medication injection. The doctor might even drain some blood from your penis region to treat this issue.

Whatever be the reason, you need to visit the specialist immediately to get proper treatment.

Ayurveda Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, Ayurveda Treatment for Penile Enhancement

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