Ayurveda Low Sperm Count Treatment in Bengaluru
When you go to a doctor because you can’t get your partner pregnant, he or she will try to figure out what’s wrong. Even if your doctor thinks that Low Sperm Count is the problem, your partner should still be checked out to rule out other possible causes and figure out if you may need help getting pregnant.
General physical examination and medical history
This means that your genitalia will be looked at and you will be asked about any genetic conditions, long-term health problems, illnesses, injuries, or surgeries that could affect your fertility. Your doctor may also want to know about your sexual habits and how they are changing.
Causes for Low sperm Count
- Abnormal sperm production or function
Low sperm count can be caused by a number of things, such as testicles that haven’t dropped yet, genetic problems, or repeated infections. Low sperm count can also be caused by genes, in which case there isn’t much you can do to get rid of the cause. Taking herbal supplements that increase sperm count is the only way to make this better.
- Problems with the delivery of sperm
Some sexual problems, like ejaculating too soon or having a painful erection (dyspareunia); some health problems, like ejaculating backwards; and some genetic diseases, like cystic fibrosis.
- General health and lifestyle issues
General health and lifestyle problems, like not getting enough to eat, being overweight, or using alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, as well as living under constant stress and being exposed to toxins, are also a problem lots of stress.
Diagnosis of Azoospermia, Azoospermia treatment in Ayurveda
Types of Azoospermia and its Diagnosis
Ayurveda Treatment for Sperm Maturation Arrest
Semen analysis Test in Bengaluru
During a test to look at the sperm, the number of sperm is counted. Most of the time, sperm count is found by looking at sperm under a microscope to see how many sperm fit into squares on a grid. In some cases, sperm count might be measured by a computer.
There are a few different ways to get a sample of sperm. At the doctor’s office, you can give a sample by masturbating and urinating into a special cup. Some men prefer a different way to collect their sperm because of their religious or cultural beliefs. In these situations, semen can be collected by using a special condom while making love.
Sperm are always being made in the testicles, and it takes 42 to 76 days for them to be fully grown. So, a current semen analysis shows how you have been living for the past three months. Any changes you’ve made that are good won’t show up for a few months.
One of the most common reasons for a low sperm count is that a sperm sample was not collected well or at all. Sperm counts can also change a lot. Because of these things, most doctors will check two or more samples of sperm over time to make sure that the samples are all the same.
To make sure that a collection is correct, your doctor will:
- When you ejaculate, they will ask you to make sure all of your sperm gets into the collection cup or condom.
- Have you not ejaculated for two to seven days before a sample is taken?
- At least two weeks after the first sample, get a second one.
- Have you stopped using lubricants because they can change the way sperm move?
Semen analysis results
- Normal sperm counts are between 15 million and more than 200 million per millilitre of semen. If you have less than 15 million sperm per millilitre or less than 39 million sperm total per ejaculate, your sperm count is low.
- The less sperm you have, the less likely it is that your partner will get pregnant. Some men don’t have any sperm at all in their sperm. This condition is called azoospermia.
- Reproduction depends on a lot of things, and the number of sperm in your sperm is just one of them. Some men who have few sperm can still have children. Even though they have enough sperm, some men can’t have children. Even if you have enough sperm, other things, like the way the sperm move, are important to get pregnant.
Ayurveda Treatment for Low Sperm Count in Bengaluru by Dr Khokar
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Tags : Male Infertility, Infertility Treatment, Ayurveda Treatment for Low Sperm Count, Ayurveda Treatment for Azoospermia
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Originally posted 2022-11-25 10:30:51.