Wet dreams or Nocturnal Emissions or Night Fall
You might have woken up, from bed, and found that, your inner wears are, wet and sticky. It may seem like you have wet your bed, but, for a person, who has been through puberty or is going through it, it is nothing but a wet dream. In scientific terms, this phenomenon is called nocturnal emission. This term indicates the condition, of ejaculation at night, during sleep.
If you are one of the many teens, who is wondering why do you get these wet dreams? Proceed to read following FAQ pertaining to wet dreams.
What is a wet dream or a nocturnal emission or Wet Dreams ?
As said earlier, it is ejaculation during sleep. Ejaculation is the process of, releasing semen from penis. This semen contains sperms. This phenomenon occurs, when you dream about sex or anything arousing. Usually, this dream is forgotten. You are not masturbating here, but having a wet dream, wherein you do not need to, touch penis or arouse yourself, to ejaculate.
Why do I get wet dreams?
As puberty sets in, secretion of testosterone hormone begins in your body. Testosterone is responsible for manufacture and release of sperms. This sperm fertilizes an egg, which means, if you have sex with a girl, she can become pregnant. Early puberty, brings with it, erratic erections, which means, you may get an erection in school, or when watching TV, or even in a shower, including when you sleep. When semen builds up in your body, wet dreams are a way, it gets released.
Does frequent wet dreams, indicate anything?
Wet dreams should be considered normal. It is a commonly observed phase of growing up or oncoming adulthood. Frequent wet dreams indicate, that semen build up is finding a routine to, release itself. It cannot be controlled or stopped. Also, frequency of wet dreams may not be the same, for everybody. Few guys may get it, scarcely during a week, while few may get them abundantly. Sometimes, a person may get, one or two wet dreams, during their lifetime. Frequency of wet dreams should not be a matter of concern, as they reduce, once you begin to have sex and/or, masturbate and release the sperm.
Are wet dreams common?
As said earlier, wet dream, is common phenomenon. You will get a wet dream, if you are attaining puberty and, your testes, is able to produce sperm.
What if, I don't get any wet dreams? Is this wrong?
Wet dreams or frequency of wet dreams differ from each person. Every teenager need not get wet dreams. No wet dreams, does not indicate, anything wrong either.
Do girls get wet dreams?
Girls do not ejaculate, but have an orgasm. Yes, they can get an orgasm, in sleep. But, girls do not get as many, such dreams as, the boys do.
What to do, after a wet dream?
If you wake up and observe you had a wet dream, follow it up with cleaning. Use water and mild soap to clean penis and testis. If you have not been circumcised, you have to clean underneath the foreskin too. It may happen, that you feel guilty or uncomfortable about dream occurrence. Firstly, you need not feel guilty or ashamed. It is normal. Secondly, you can talk to a parent or counselor, you will feel better after talking about it, to any person you trust.
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Wet dreams or Nocturnal Emissions or Night Fall
Ayurveda, is known to have cured many difficult health conditions, that, modern medicines could not identify. Ayurveda treatment, can cure, any health disorder, bringing balance to, your body, without any side effects. Allopathy on the other hand, may cause long term side effects, not to mention, spasmodic disease recurrence. Ayurveda requires time to heal, but once a person is patient enough, they can get over, their difficult disease, completely, and permanently. Which is why, Ayurveda is considered to be, holistic procedure, to cure oneself, from every disease, without having to suffer any side effects.
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