Sexual problems faced by Men
Sexual dysfunction or sexual problem can be caused at any sexual response cycle phase, thereby preventing the couple or man from experiencing immense satisfaction from this activity. There are four phases in sexual response cycle: Thrill, plateau, orgasm and the last being resolution. Sexual dysfunction according to research is quite common (with men about 31% and women 43% reporting few degrees of difficulties). Moreover, it is termed to be a subject that many feel shy to discuss. Most sexual dysfunction cases are treatable. Therefore, it is essential for the individual to share concerns with the physician and partner.
Understanding male sexual problems and its causes
Psychological or physical issues faced by men can cause sexual dysfunction.
Physical causes: Most medical and physical conditions could cause sexual function problems. Such conditions generally include vascular (blood vessel) disease, heart, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, chronic disease like liver or kidney failure, drug abuse and alcoholism. Besides it, certain medications can come with side effects, which include the like of antidepressant drugs, could affect function and sexual desire. It may also lead to Infertility in men
Psychological causes: it includes anxiety, work-related stress, relationship or marital issues, concern regarding sexual performance, guilt feelings, depression and effects of past sexual trauma.
Sexual problems and its victims
Sexual problems can be noticed in both women and men. Generally, adults tend to catch such problems at all ages. The commonly affected are those in geriatric population that might be related to decline in health because of aging.
How men are affected by sexual problems?
About Ejaculation disorders
Ejaculation disorders or various types that occur in men, which includes:
Premature ejaculation: Ejaculation which occurs soon after or before penetration.
Retarded or inhibited ejaculation: It takes place when occurred ejaculation is slow. learn about Premature ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation: It takes place when at orgasm, ejaculate gets forces into bladder instead of the urethra and out of penis end.
Physiological factors are stated in few cases where inhibited and premature ejaculation are caused, including stringent religious background, causing person to regard sex as sinful, past traumatic events and lack of attraction towards the partner. The most common sexual dysfunction form noticed in men is premature ejaculation, which often can be because of nervousness as how well the person would perform during the sexual activity. Ejaculation can be affected due to specific drugs including few anti-depressants, as back or spinal cord issues are caused by nerve damage.
Males facing diabetes and suffering from nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) issues can face retrograde ejaculation. The problem is because of bladder neck and bladder related nerves which allow ejaculation in flowing backwards. Retrograde ejaculation in other men, tends to occur after prostrate or bladder neck operations or after operations in specific abdominal parts. Apart from this, specific medications, especially those utilized for treating mood disorders might be the cause for ejaculation problems.
Treatment of male sexual dysfunction
Most sexual dysfunction cases can be rectified by treating underlying psychological or physical issues. Treatment strategies could include the following:
Medical treatment: It helps to treat all types of physical issues, which might contribute towards sexual dysfunction in man.
Medications: Unani and Ayurveda medicines are completely safe and the treatment comes with no side effects.
Communication and education: Education about sexual and sex responses and behaviors might assist the man to overcome his sexual performance anxieties. Speaking openly with the partner related to concerns and needs can help overcome several barriers and to have healthy sexual life. Trained counselor can provide therapy to people to address their feeling of fear, guilt or anxiety, having sexual function impact.
Is sexual problem curable?
Treatment success for sexual dysfunction entirely depends upon underlying cause of problem. Outlook related to dysfunction which is related to reversible or treatable physical condition is good. Mild dysfunction related to fear, anxiety or stress could often be treated successfully with education, counseling, as well as enhanced communication among partners.
Is it possible to prevent sexual problems?
Although it is not possible to prevent sexual problems, trying to deal with underlying dysfunction causes could help to better understand and to cope with issues as it occurs. Few things are present that can be done for helping to maintain better sexual functions:
- It is necessary to follow treatment plans as prescribed by the physician for any health / medical conditions
- Quit smoking
- Limiting intake of alcohol
- Dealing with any kind of psychological or emotional issues like anxiety, depression and stress. Treatment is to be availed as required.
- Increasing communication with the partner.
When to call my physician with regards to sexual dysfunction?
Most men tend to experience sexual function issues periodically. But if the issue becomes persistent, then it may cause distress for both the man and partner, while having undesired negative impact on overall relationship. In case, you experience problems in sexual functions consistently, then it would be essential on your part for evaluation as well as treatment.
Ayurveda Herbal Treatment for Sexual problems in Men
Ayurveda, is known to have cured many difficult health conditions, that, modern medicines could not identify. Ayurveda treatment, can cure, any health disorder, bringing balance to, your body, without any side effects. Allopathy on the other hand, may cause long term side effects, not to mention, spasmodic disease recurrence. Ayurveda requires time to heal, but once a person is patient enough, they can get over, their difficult disease, completely, and permanently. Which is why, Ayurveda is considered to be, holistic procedure, to cure oneself, from every disease, without having to suffer any side effects.
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